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felix unconsciously began to fidget with his fingers, before pausing to contemplate where he picked this habit up from. he then sighed, seven familiar boys stood around him, their expressions blank.

"um hi," felix began, "you guys have been to my house before, you know you can like sit down..."

"oh yeah," changbin sat down on the couch in between hyunjin and jeongin.

"so," minho yawned, sitting besides jeongin and jisung following him, "do we get to hear this magnificent explanation finally?"

jisung blurted out, "this whole thing is so confusing, nobody has still told me anything!"

jeongin leaned over and glared at him, "shut the fuck up! maybe if you actually listened for once, that's why we're here."

"honestly, just pay fucking attention," seungmin smirked in amusement, "i mean, i know everything that happened because i was involved but—"

"what the fuck?" hyunjin dramatically jumped up, "y-you knew all this time!?"

felix frowned, "hyunjin, don't antagonize him. it's all my fault anyways..."

"yeah, we're well aware of that," minho joked, resulting in felix to sadly look at him and jeongin to send him a death glare, who only ignored the younger's look.

"uh," chan cleared his throat, turning towards felix because he noticed his expression change, "how have you been?"

felix looked at him, startled, "f-fine? i don't really know."

"are we just we gonna sit here and chat? or..." changbin impatiently sighed, clearly wanting to leave.

"well, i have to start from the beginning—" felix was interrupted by jisung. "from like when you were born? 'cause we have no time for that," he looked at him seriously and felix was kind of concerned for him.

felix side-eyed him, "um no. just from when i moved here."

"so, tell us, yongbok. why you oh so happened to do what you did," seungmin tried to annoy the older, but he instead was lightly slapped by hyunjin.

"i'm listening," minho slowly and lazily began to fall sideways on jisung, who pushed him off.

felix crossed his arms, "clearly not! now shut up!"

"you're not from here?" jeongin furrowed his eyebrows.

felix hissed, "shut the hell up jeongin! stop fucking around and just please let me begin!"


"mom, i made it. i'm kinda standing in the middle of the airport though," a thirteen-year-old felix sweetly spoke as he held his phone up against his ear.

"phew, you landed safely," a similarly sweet-yet-feminine voice replied from the other line, "if you keep on walking, you should cross paths with your uncle and his two daughters."

"okay, mom." felix walked, still having his mom on the phone but not hanging up. he was kind of nervous to meet people that were supposed to be apart of his family, most likely because he has only spoken to them once in his thirteen years of life.

he kept on walking, before catching a glance at a face of a man that looked familiar yet new. felix made his way towards him, as there were two teenage girls beside him, so felix thought that had to be his uncle!

luckily, the man made eye-contact with the boy as he exclaimed, "felix, is that you? you've grown so much!"

"uncle jungkook!" he hung up the phone and ran up to the group, hugging the taller.

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