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felix was going to make things right.

felix was going to apologize, and confess his undying love towards jeongin.

was he actually going to though?
he wasn't going to do that.
it was too horrifying.

even the thought of muttering those words out, scared the shit of him.

(*cue sour grapes by le sserafim* 😝)

felix walked into his math class and sat down at his assigned desk. he groaned internally at how tired his ass was, and the major headache that was caused from it. felix glanced around the doors of the class, waiting for a certain black-haired boy to enter.

mere minutes later, he entered. jeongin looked well, wretched, felix could say the least. he wore a blank expression as he sat down next to felix, acting as if he was not even there.

felix turned his head to look jeongin up and down, furrowing his eyebrows. something's wrong with him.. he thought, before sighing and turning back around to get his math-book and supplies out of his bag.

soon enough, class began and went on.

much to felix's dismay, jeongin did not even spare a look towards his way.

this clearly bothered felix, as he inattentively tapped his pen against the desk. he didn't feel like doing the classwork the teacher gave them. he barley even listened to her lecture ten minutes prior.

felix wasn't a bad student at all. in fact, he was one of the top students in his year. felix always got the highest marks on everything. tests, quizzes, assignments, homework, you name it.

this, of course, lead to his fellow classmate's dismay. they started treating him as an outsider, just because he was "too intelligent" for them. it was a pretty stupid reason, in my opinion. still, they all ignored felix and actively avoided him.

until jeongin came along.

anyways, in this certain moment, at this certain time, he just didn't give a shit.

he didn't give a shit about his grades.
he didn't give a shit about what his classmates thought.
he didn't give a shit about math.
he didn't give a shit about the world.

he only gave a shit about jeongin.

without looking, he grabbed jeongin and dragged him out of their seats. this caused the whole class and teacher to protest, but felix wasn't listening. jeongin was also talking shit, but he wasn't listening. they ran out one of the classroom doors, and slammed it shut.

felix dragged him for a good minute before he suddenly stopped in the middle of the hallway. jeongin looked startled and beyond pissed off at the older.

"jeongin," felix began, praying to whoever that jeongin wasn't going to turn and run away, "i know i fucked up, but listen to what i have to say."

jeongin looked him dead in the eyes, his angered expression not faltering a bit. "what? what is so fucking important to where you HAD to drag me out of class for it?" he hissed.

"you and i both know that you were sure as hell not paying attention to her." felix scoffed, crossing his arms.

jeongin looked taken aback, but he quickly hid it by rolling his eyes and shaking his head. "so what? now we're gonna get detention for life because of this."

"fine with me." felix shrugged.

"so, what? what do you to say for yourself?" jeongin glared at him.

felix sighed, and jeongin noticed he held a sad gaze in his eyes. they made brief eye contact before felix looked away, clearing his throat.

"i just wanted to say, that i am so fucking sorry for taking advantage of you, for ignoring your feelings, and so much more. you really make me happy, yang jeongin. i'm so sorry i couldn't make you feel the same way. i feel like shit whenever we don't talk, like you've casted a spell on me or something. it probably sounds so stupid, but i'm not lying. i'm being one-hundred percent truthful. you i said, make me so happy and i only want the best for you. you're such a good friend, and i hope you know that."

jeongin smiled at him.

he just smiled at him.

felix gave him a confused look, which made him smile even more.

jeongin opened his mouth, like he was about to speak. but before he could let out a single syllable, an unlucky teacher on their planning period ran into the two boys.

needless to say, jeongin and felix now have detention for a month due to breaking 5 school policies.

"was this all worth it?"

the question was repeated to the duo. multiple times.

"hell yes it was." felix smirked.

"probably." jeongin shrugged.

(i am so tired 😩)

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