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"hey, lee felix!" a feminine voice called out from behind felix as he walked down the one of the many school's hallways.

"huh," he turned around to be greeted with a shorter girl with long light-brown hair sprinting towards him. "do i know you?"

she stuck out her hand, "i'm kim jiwoo! but you can call me chuu and i heard so much about you from somi!"

felix shook her hand, "oh, you're the girl my cousin told me about?"

"ah, she talked about me?! how sweet!" chuu bounced up and down. "anyways, this may seem like a weird request, but i need you to come with me. i was sent to find you because they think you're the one."

"what are you talking about?" he looked at her in alarm. "am i being dragged into a cult?!"

chuu giggled, "obviously not, felix! you're gonna meet so many new people, one of them is huh yunjin!" she grabbed his hand and began walking as felix stared at her in confusion as he was dragged along.

"somi said that she was friends with yunjin," he whispered, but chuu clearly heard him as she nodded profusely.

"she's the one that sent me to come find you!—oh i wasn't supposed to say that part—i'm sorry!" she spoke way too quickly, looking back at felix with a guilty and apologetic look.

felix slowly and unsurely nodded, "it's...alright?"

"anyways, let's go in!" chuu led them to a hallway that felix has never seen before as she flew open a door they stopped in front of. "hi! i have him!"

a girl with blonde hair was sitting elegantly in the middle of the old classroom, facing the wall. there were seven chairs lined up on the sides of the room, five of them occupied. chuu pushed him in, before locking the door behind them.

"chuu, are you back?" another girl with long black hair peered towards them; felix didn't know who any of these people were.

"yeah, yves—"

the blonde haired girl abruptly spoke, "bring him in front of my desk."

what the hell is happening, felix thought as chuu and yves pushed him towards her, the other four people in the room sat and watched.

he stood in front of the extremely intimidating girl, who slowly turned around. felix was then greeted by a tallish long blonde-haired girl wearing a white bunny mask with black piercing eyes that covered her whole face.

"ah, i've heard so much about you, lee felix. i'm glad you're here to join us," she spoke, her voice as cold as ice.

he crossed his arms, "what do you mean 'join us'?"

the blonde suddenly stood, her complexion seemed to show irritation which resulted in felix to flinch. "i'm yunjin AND ditto told us you were the one. you're going to change the world, lee felix," she hissed, which only left felix feeling even more confused.

"i don't want to agree to something i have no idea on," felix replied, starting to feel uneasy due to being surrounding by these strange people.

"i figured you would say that," yunjin sighed, before turning to face a boy who was aimlessly sitting at one of the chairs. "mark, why don't you teach him? it would be beneficial for both of you as he also could use some better friends, don't we think so?" she looked at him expectedly, her tone sounding like he would have no other choice.

the boy, who felix now knew as mark, looked scared shitless as he quickly nodded. "i—uh—haha, yeah, i'll do it. you have nothing to worry about, i'll just show him everything you taught me, ya!" mark got up and stood next to felix, who only looked at him in concern.

yunjin shook her head, "just go."

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