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(WE ON CHAPTER 69 😈😈😈)


felix watched as hyunjin rolled his eyes at the scene that unfolding before them: some person the australian boy has never seen before was beating the shit out of jeongin.

"leave them the fuck alone!" the mysterious person punched him in the nose, resulting in jeongin to stumble and fall backwards. "god, you popular people are such assholes!"

jeongin put his hand on his nose, clearly hiding the blood dripping down from it, "fuck you!" he scowled, before getting up and sprinting away and down the hallway.

"hey felix, i didn't see you watching there," the guy wiped his hands off, smiling. "i'm haechan, mark's—uh—friend."

hyunjin pulled felix close to whisper, "do you know this guy?" the younger shook his head as they both looked back at the smiling guy who began talking again.

"anyways, that guy shouldn't be messing with you anymore felix, byebye!" he waved his hand in goodbye, spinning around to walk away.

"why didn't he acknowledge me," the taller crossed his arms. "he only ever referred to you, and you don't even know him!"

the shorter boy shrugged, "i don't know. but he IS friends with my friend, mark. don't think too much about it, hyunjin."

he sighed, "whatever, the next time you see mark, tell him to tell haechan thanks." the two boys began to walk down the hall, "at least jeongin won't be fucking with us as much anymore thanks to him, so i guess that's something."

"i guess," the australian boy gazed at the ground. i should really tell him about what mark and i are doing for the ditto people or whatever... he bitterly thought as he bit his lip.

"is something wrong lix?" hyunjin abruptly stopped walking, tilting his head. "you've been acting strange all day, are you still upset about when you were forced to yell at me? if so, i'm not mad about it anymore—"

"everything's fine, hyunjinnie," felix interrupted him, nearly yelling. "don't worry about me." he took the older's hands into his, giving him a weak smile.

the taller boy furrowed his eyebrows, "if you say so, but i still really care about you. i think about that day in the park every night, y'know."

"i do too," the australian boy let out a breath. "it'll all work out soon, it's just that i hate what i have to do to you." he whispered the last part to himself as hyunjin luckily didn't hear him.


"i know i love you!" felix watched from the couch he was sitting on as jisung and minho screamed into the karaoke mic they were sharing. "say you love me, say you love me 'til the end of the world. all or nothing, i want all of you. i know i love you!"

they're looking at each another a little too sus, he raised his eyebrows at the two boys staring deeply into one another's eyes as they sang the depressing as shit song. tbh i want what they have

felix was abruptly grabbed by the arm and pulled out of the karaoke room. he was then dropped on the floor outside, the door shutting as soon as he landed down. "what the everloving fuck?!" he hissed, jumping up and dusting off his pants.

"felix!" a familiar voice exclaimed as they shook the australian boy's shoulders, which felix spun around to be greeted with mark standing with a worried expression on his face.

"mark, what the shit did you just do to me?" his australian accent came out as he spoke english and glared at the canadian in anger. "i was sitting there with my friends, then you came up and—"

"i know and i'm sorry!" he urgently grabbed him by the arm. "i've been banished because i broke a rule. it's your turn bro, use everything i taught you and stick with the plan ditto gave you. you'll do great, i promise." mark then left without another word, not leaving felix any time to respond to his sudden confession.

he's been kicked out? the australian boy blinked, before shaking his head. well, might as well do as he said if it was that urgent he couldn't just text me it.

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