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(hi! i know it's been a while but i've been working on a book while i was gone with my best friend on this account >> thebigdaddies  check it out if ya want! ALSO THANK YOU FOR 2K READS?? HELLO??)

seungmin frowned. he hated when his friend group didn't say a word to one another, even though he acted like he hated them most of the time. it left him feeling, well, miserable. he missed them even though he ended up partly betraying them in the end, all because of felix.

felix somehow knew everything. on the first day they hung out, felix saw right through him. felix saw how he liked hyunjin. oh, how seungmin liked hyunjin.

seungmin walked to his window, the curtains opened. he stared at the shining moon, the reflection displayed brightly on the river near his house below. suddenly, a memory flashed in his mind.

"seungmin! can i ask you something in private?" felix cheerfully asked, getting up from seungmin's couch.

seungmin narrowed his eyes, getting up from beside him, "sure..."

felix smiled at the others, before grabbing his hand and leading him to the bathroom. he aggressively pushed seungmin in and shut the door from behind him, locking it. felix turned to face seungmin, a vastly unfamiliar sinister look on his face.

" like hyunjin?" felix abruptly asked, smirking at the younger.

seungmin was taken aback. why did his demeanor suddenly change? "i don't know what you're talking about," he crossed his arms, not meeting felix's icy glare.

felix rolled his eyes, "don't play stupid with me, seungmin," he scoffed, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him close, "i know you do. and if you don't admit it, i will for you."

"why does it matter who i like?!" he attempted to retort but instead stammered, his heart beginning to race.

felix smirked and let go, "because i could finally win the game if i go out there and tell them who you really like, kim seungmin."

seungmin's eyes widened, "what are you going to do?"

"help me and you will never find out." felix looked at him with eyes widened, smiling, as he pulled out a pistol from his bag.

seungmin stepped back, biting his lip. he didn't know what felix was capable of, and he didn't want to edge him on further. though he didn't know what good this would do felix, he gave in. "fine, i'll help you."

felix put the pistol back in his bag, his usual, cheerful expression suddenly appearing back on his face. "great! i knew i could count on you. just do as i say, and there won't be any consequences!" felix unlocked the door and opened it, leading seungmin back out.

seungmin suddenly snapped back to reality as he felt tears falling from his cheeks, landing on the windowsill. the memory still scarred him, felix used his feelings to his advantage. he never dared to speak a word about it, afraid of what the older would do to him.

felix made him cause an argument with hyunjin, to get him to stop liking jeongin. felix made him ask felix who he liked in front of changbin, to hurt him. felix made him insult him to upset changbin. seungmin shook his head, realizing he has been manipulated by felix this whole time just because of his crush.

seungmin was smart, but only book-smart. he couldn't recognize anyone's feelings towards him, basically making him oblivious. he tried to work on it but instead failed, specifically because of his utter fear and hatred towards felix getting in the way. he could read people like as clear as glass towards one another, but not towards him.

and he fucking hated it.

seungmin always had to bottle up his emotions, he always thought showing emotions made yourself look weak. after what happened multiple times this last month with his friend group, he didn't want to open up to anyone. he didn't want to seem vulnerable like them.

a few moments later, seungmin heard his phone buzz. wiping the tears off of his face, he walked towards it, rolling his eyes at the name that appeared. of course it was lee felix texting him at a time like this. unlocking it, he tapped on the notification to see what he wanted.


kim_seungmin & cheepcheep32

hey seungmin ;)
i got people to help us !


great ?
what do you mean "great" 😑

Sorry I didn't know
how else to respond

it's ok!
imma add you to a gc, ok?

I don't really have a choice do i?

of course not :)

Well ok then

act normal or you'll know what'll happen!

I know, you remind me every time

don't be a bitch seungmin

Ok just add me

i am rn calm down 🙄

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