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"What?! I am not working with this jerk!" The short black-haired girl hisses, looks at me angrily, and slams the table, making me flinch after I was called by the CEO to work with her for a VIP client.

Well, let me introduce myself, I am Lalisa Manoban, 29 years old and I've worked at one of the biggest companies in the world. I transferred here in YG Corp. branch in Seoul last year from Paris when I knew Jennie was working here too. I just wanted to fix things between us, sadly it didn't worked out after trying different ways.

"Ms. Kim---"

"I can work with other people from the marketing department just not Ms. Manoban" Jennie stated seriously after cutting off the CEO and her statement cause me another heartache. I was trying my best to hold my tears by clenching my jaw and fists. She definitely hates me or probably more than that~

"You really hate me that much Jennie?" I give out a weak smile and grip tight on the edge of my coat, getting myself ready for what's she's going to say next "More than that and that will be forever" She coldly replies and we both turn back to the CEO "Mr. Cheon~ Can I request Roseanne Park?"

"Ms. Park is working with Ms. Kim Jisoo and.... Why are you dragging in your personal matters here? It doesn't mean that you both are the head managers of your own departments, you can now decide for the company! This is my company! My company, my rules!" The CEO slams the table and gives Jennie a cold look. Just by looking at Jennie, I know she's scared. I was about to hold and caress her arm to tell her that she's safe with me but I move away because for sure she would probably hate me more.

"I'll th-think about it!" Jennie sighs and turns away from the CEO "No! This event is the biggest! It's from our VIP client! I want the best for this one! You both choose, take it or leave the company" The CEO utters seriously and I just turn to Jennie, waiting for her answer because I have no problem with working again with her. It's been years~

"F-fine~ For the sake of my job" Jennie gives me a deathly glare and takes the folders of the things she needs to do "I'll take my leave now Mr. Cheon, Have a good day"

"Me too Mr. Cheon, don't worry, we won't let you down" I bow with Jennie and walk out of his office, smiling ear to ear. I guess destiny is giving me again a chance to----

"Stop smiling like an idiot!" Jennie stops and turns around with a blank face. The expression I'm mostly dealing with ever since we met again "I'm not~" I raise my hands in shock making her scoff "I can't lose my job just because I won't agree to work with you for this event"

"I know Ni----"

"So don't you ever take this chance to fix things between us again because I'll hate you for the rest of my life" Jennie utters coldly and walks away like she said nothing which made my heart ache again. I know that it's my fault why she became like this~

"You don't know how long I've looked for you Ruby Jane Manoban~" I said while watching Jennie walking away until her silhouette disappears, stopping my tears but it didn't work that I ran to the washroom and let it all out.

"Wh-when w-will you f-forgive m-e J-j-jen-nie?"


"That girl is getting into my nerves!" I groan and barge in my office, running my hands through my hair after having a stressful meeting with Mr. Cheon and Lalisa. I can't believe I got involved with her again! I've been avoiding her since she got here. Maybe she paid or beg the CEO to partner us up for this project. I know her! She's one stubborn girl and she won't give up!

Just like what she's been doing for the past year~

"Ugh! Shut up! Get out of my head!" I hold my head

"Who?" I flinch when I heard a familiar voice inside my office. I turn and saw a man dress in his favorite colored suit. His appearance hasn't changed at all, except that his hair was grey and his eyes are quite tired

"D-dad~" I called him the lowest tone of my voice "Jennie princess, I know this is the 8th time but---"

"Dad, how many times do I have to tell you?! I will never go back home! Even if you beg on your knees. I will never go back!" I gritted my teeth in anger when I look back on what happened years ago. I walk to my desk right away, acting like I am busy to avoid his presence. Yes, I hate him but not more than Lisa. He gave everything to me and treat me like his own child.

"If this is about Lisa. She moved out a few years way back after you moved out too" Dad explains calmly. I didn't bother to answer him and continue looking at the blank papers I'm holding "Jennie, it's my fault. Lisa has nothing to with this----"

"It's not your fault dad!" I argue and look at him intently "Not mom, not yours but Lalisa. I know your trying to fix things between me and Lisa. I know dad! But it's never gonna happen"

"Jennie princess---"

"Dad please~ I am happy, I am married, I have a family now so please don't bother me" I massage my forehead then groan in annoyance when I finally revealed the secret I've been hiding so he will stop. When will they stop? When will I be genuinely happy? When will this pain stop? I guess it'll only end when I die~

"What?! Since when?!"

"2 years ago~" I plainly answered while staring at my desktop "Now you know why I'm not coming home. I have a husband and a daughter. Look dad, I know it sounds rude but please leave me alone, I am happy with my life now"

"I-I u-understand... I won't bother you anymore. If that what makes you happy. Just remember we really loved you Jennie and I hope you won't hold grudges for a long time towards us, especially to Lisa." He sighs before standing up, fixing his clothes "I'll pass by Lisa's office"

"Yeah, let that stubborn favorite daughter of yours go back home" I mumble, watching him give a weak smile as he walk out of my office. I was able to breathe normally after the tension was gone. Was I harsh? I didn't mean to speak like that~

I mean.... Everything was so fine and great until Lisa ruined everything~ If only I didn't fell inlove with her, things won't end up like this. If only I wasn't carried away with my emotions, our lives would be happy especially my daughter.

"Calm down Jennie, you're on your own now. Stop being dependent! Don't trust anyone!"



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