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"I can't believe that this will be your last prom and in a few weeks you will be graduating high school already" Dad smiles as he fix my clothes. I wore a black crop top paired with a black blazer outside then some slacks and a black high heeled boots which are all from Celine. I finish off my attire with a Bulgari ring and necklace.

"You look pretty handsome" Dad chuckles and pats my back "Just like me~"

Well, my parents knew I am more comfortable with the way I dress. I know I was born as a girl and was dressed in girl clothes. My parents are workaholic and they never had the chance to take care of me.

I remember that my parents told me that the babysitter who took care of me was even confused and even had to clarify my sexuality to my parents. It was my 2nd birthday when they knew I was intersex. Believe it or not but the ob-gyne didn't see my cock when I was a fetus. My parents kept it from everyone and the babysitter was paid 3 million dollars to leave and shut up about it. Not only that but Dad has been sending agents to spy on her in case she will leak some information about me.

Anyways, I'm glad that my parents accepts me for who I am and that they know that I may fall in love with a man or a woman. In short, bisexual~

"Dad?" I called and he gives me a "what" look. "Dad, I'm curious... U-uhm what is love? And how did you know that mom was the one for you?" I ask and it made him smile right away

"Are you in love baby?" He gives me a teasing smile

"What no! I'm just curious" I sigh to hide my nervousness and smile then waited for his reply.

"Lalisa, all I can say is.... love is selfless, trust, pain, sacrifice and loving the little flaws that person has that makes them feel loved, happy, special, and appreciated" Dad smiles and holds my hand 

"Love isn't always being happy with the person you love. Everyone has their flaws and not everyone is perfect and your mother accepted me for who I am even after all the pain I've caused her. I changed for her because she deserves it and I could see a great future ahead when I'm with her. That's why I knew that your mother is the one for me because she brings out all the best in me~"

"You both look serious" Mom caught our attention. Me and Dad both look at her with a smile.

"Where is Jennie, honey? They will be late" Dad ask then walk towards Mom who stepped aside revealing Jennie. She was wearing a long black dress that has a lacey top and silk skirt paired with black heels, her hair was wavy and she had light make up on and an eyeliner that compliments her cat eyes. I could say I'm lucky for having her in my life already but I'll consider it more if she'll date me~

"D-Daebak! Is that you Kitten? You look like someone else" I tease earning a whine from her. All of us laugh and she gave a quick death glare.

"What about a picture?" Dad grabs my polaroid camera from my table then we wall went down to the living room.

"You look beautiful, Kitten" I happily whisper to Jennie, standing beside her as we stand by the stairs. I took a glance and smile when I saw her blushing

"On the count of 3" Dad counts to three and snaps some pictures of me and Jennie. Mom took some photos with her phone. After the photo session, we bid goodbyes and our driver took me and Jennie to the hotel where the prom is being held.

YOU AND ME (JENLISA G!P)Where stories live. Discover now