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"Lili unnie! What's the feeling? Do you think I will have a lot of friends?" Jennie bombarded me with several questions. It is her first day in high school and made me remember my first days too besides we're being transferred to a new school. It's a new environment, a crowded place, and we're using a different name so it makes us worry especially Jennie.

"Don't worry about anything and remember what Dad told us?" I raise my eyebrows

"Of course! Never trust anyone, always make sure I have my bodyguards and I'll use Ruby Jane as my name" Jennie smiled and put on her glasses "Anyways~ you look good in blonde hair unnie~"

Yes, I dyed my hair   dark blonde since it was Dad's request. Aside from being Pranpriya and being a blonde-haired girl. I need to have bodyguards just like Jennie and we should limit interactions. Mom and Dad transferred me and Jennie to the most prestigious private school here in Paris where only elites and smart kids can study so we have nothing to worry about curious kids.

"Of course! I look good in anything" I smirk but I receive a slap from her

"Please tell me that we won't deal with screaming girls again?" Jennie rolls her eyes while looking outside which I found funny and kinda hot though~

"This is a prestigious school~ For sure there will only be a few" I shrug and got another slap again making me groan in pain. She really has a strong hand~ "Hey! Am I really your unnie or not?"

"You deserve it! You'll just break their hearts because you will ignore them" 

"Did I break your heart because I ignored you?" I ask out of curiosity

"Yes! It breaks my heart when you ignore or shut me out when you don't want to see me" Jennie pouts making me pinch her lips and giggle. She shoves my hands away and pulls my ears "Unnie stop teasing me!"

"O-ouch! Jennieyah!" I groan

"Youngmasters we arrived" The driver chuckles when he caught our attention then he opens the door for us. Jennie releases my poor ears and fix herself "Have a great day youngmasters~ "

"Thank you~" I smile and get out of the car. I waited for Jennie and we both walk into the campus to find the principal's office. Everyone was staring as we walk through the hallway. I don't know if it's because they felt intimidated or they are having a total crush on me. I mean I am not a fool, I'm 15 years old and I know why they are crushing and drooling, I'm Lalisa Manoban!


"It's Pran~ Ruby Jane" I seriously utter and hold her hand tight when I saw boys checking her out. I held her close to me and glare at those perverted asses. I supposed they are quarterbacks because of their body build and clothes. They can't do that to my sister! No one can!

"A-are you sure we will be fine here?" She whispers

"Of course~" I sigh and enter the office when we found it. The principal knew who we are since he is a good friend of Dad so we have nothing to worry about, especially our safety. As soon as we got out, I brought Jennie in front of her classroom. I gave her a few heads up before she goes in. 

"Bye Pran!" Jennie waves and was about to enter when I fake a cough while crossing my arms, turning my "Unnie mode" on "What is it?"

"No sorry for what you did a while ago?" I raise my eyebrows and give her a cold stare. I know it made her nervous so she quickly hugged me and patted my ears. 

YOU AND ME (JENLISA G!P)Where stories live. Discover now