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"Goodmorning Lis! Still got the hangover?" Bam chuckles and pats my back as I walk through the hallway. We had a drink last night to forget everything even just for a night. Yes, I got drunk but gladly Rosie took both of us home. 

"Mr. Bam be professional" I scoff and walk towards my office.

"Ms. Lisa! Over here" I look around and found Seulgi calling and waving her hand. I approach her in the lounge "What is it Kang?" I chuckle and went near her, Irene, and the others on our team who were eating breakfast. Jennie and Joy aren't around, I think they'll be a little late~

"Coffee Ms. Manoban?"

"No thanks~ I already had my breakfast" I smiled at Yeji who offered it and was about to go when Jennie walks past me. I turn around to greet her and thought about apologizing to her for the kiss, thanking her for yesterday, and ask her to be friends or just even colleagues. I guess it will be a good start~

"Jen---" I reach for her hand when Irene hug her and later everyone greeted her continuously, making me back up to the door and lose my chance. I sigh and walk to my office. Maybe it's not the right time~ 

"IS THAT A HICKEY?!" Seulgi screams that made me stop in my tracks and catch everyone's attention. I remembered the man with her last night, how he held and kiss her as they went home happily. I guess she's in good hands now and probably we could only be friends.

"What? No, it's not!" I heard Jennie argue and hear them tease her again which made me quickly go inside my office before I could hear the rest of the story. I grab and put on my Airpods and open my laptop to start working on the venue before Joy would arrive. Well, I was going to fetch Joy this morning when she told me that she has some important matters to do. After she messaged me, I went straight here to the office.

"Hey Ms. Lisa!" Ryujin takes off one of my airpods making me jump in shock and look at her confusedly. How did she get in here? When did she even get here? 

"We're still having our team meeting right?" She continued with a laugh. I look at the clock and quickly grab my laptop then walk to the conference room with her when I realized it's been 30 minutes that I've been zoning out. It must be my hangover~

"Are you alright Ms. Lisa?" Ryujin asks and I just hum in response. As I entered, continuous teases echoed around because of the hickeys on Jennie's neck, it was ringing in my ears and I tried my best to ignore them and focus on my work.

"I told you it's not!" Jennie glares at them but they continued to tease her, making her sigh and grab my handkerchief. I walk towards Jennie and tied the handkerchief gently around her neck to cover the so-called hickeys. I hate seeing hickeys on her that aren't made by me~~

"Are we having a meeting or you're just going to tease her all day?" I coldly ask after I fix it on her neck and face them with a blank face. They all settle down quickly after seeing this side of me for the first time. They all shake their head and apologize and start preparing their things while I just look at Jennie when I felt her staring at me.

"L-let's s-sta-art!" I quickly look away from those feline eyes and seriously take a seat. We started the meeting by showing the plans of each pair and their proposal too. We gave some comments about it and what should be highlighted more. Just in time when it was my part, Joy came and we showed the venues found on the internet that we will be checking out later.

"Those are cheap-looking venues for our VIP client" Jennie butted in while I showed the pictures on the projector. I raise my eyebrows and stop "Excuse me?"

YOU AND ME (JENLISA G!P)Where stories live. Discover now