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"I have fencing class later. You could go home ahead Ruby" Lisa unnie pats my head with a smile before she leaves for her class. I went my own way and settle down 5 minutes before the teacher arrives.

"Hey, Ruby Jane, what's your connection with Pranpriya?" Kai asks 

He's one of the most popular boys from my class and one of the boys who's been head over heels for my unnie since we transferred to this school and he's been asking me these questions since freshmen year all over again. I won't even bother to tell him because for sure, he would bother me more if knew we're sisters and would also use me to get close to Lisa unnie plus he is a playboy.

"None of your business, playboy" I roll my eyes and flip through the textbook like I'm doing something. 

"Alright~ I'll find my own way" I heard him. He's too dumb not to notice that I and unnie comes to school together.

"Does he even get tired?" Mina asks she's one of my friends along with Joy and Nayeon. They don't know my real identity except for Lisa being my "sister". Lisa unnie met them and made a good bond with them too. On the other, I also met Lisa unnie's friends.

"I don't know" I sigh

"I heard a lot are asking Pranpriya out for prom. I mean who wouldn't ask her? And even you Ruby! Both of you are one of the hottest students in school" Nayeon squeals "If I get to be her partner for prom, I won't even let her go home already"

"So you like Pran?" I raise my eyebrows and clench my jaw. How dare she like my unn---- What am I even thinking? 

I mean of course who wouldn't like Lisa unnie? She is cute, pretty, handsome, she's also hot and smells so good like I can't even forget her smell that I would love to smell everyda---

"What the hell?!" My eyes widen and I slap my face to get out of my thoughts

"Hey, Ruby is something wrong?" Nayeon asks, I shake my head and continue to be busy with my textbook "Anyways~ I heard that freshmen and sophomores can go to prom if they're invited by seniors. Ruby Jane! You better tell Pranpriya" Nayeon jumps and squeals like a madman

"Ani~ I should only be the one invited by Lili" I mumble and grip tight on the pencil when I imagined her being picked up by her date or seeing her ask a girl out for prom. No one could go with my Lisa unnie unless it's me!

"Ruby Jane! Are you sure you're alright?" Joy asks while she's holding my hand. I look at it and found a broken pencil making me stand and walk out of the classroom. What the hell is going on with me?

Anyways, I forgot to tell you that these past few days Lisa unnie is out with Dad to visit the company and Mom is on a trip with her friends so typically I am alone for almost the whole day after I get home and we haven't bonded like the way we used to so I mostly sleep in her room because I missed her. 

Yeah~ I just miss her that's why~

"Pran, please go to the prom with me"

"Pranpriya! I beg you!"

"Pranpriya, I'll give you everything you want"

A bunch of people circled the hallway. Not to mention hearing, Lisa unnie's name made me look and what I saw made me angry. Some boys were offering her flowers, begging on their knees while some girls are offering her chocolates. I swear if she dares to accept those, I'll burn this school!

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