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"Ms. L, your father wants you to read these" Dad's secretary places a few folders on my desk and then smiles

"Thank you Dara" I stated seriously and continue reading the profile of our company since it was the most important part before I could start handling the company and that's to know its history

"It's nothing Ms. L and if you need anything else just call me, would be happy to serve you"  She stated and I just give her a nod. She left the office which made me sigh in relief. It's been a tiring day and I've been reading the files since I got here with Dad. I don't even notice the time that it's past 4 in the afternoon already. That explains why I'm too lazy and weak~

"Ms. L?" Dara knocks and peeks after a few minutes pass

"What?" I coldly reply

"Your mother and sister is here" She stated making me get up on my seat. Dara opens the door for them and Jennie came rushing to me, engulfing me into a tight hug

"Unnieeeeeeee" She squeals and hugs me until I can't breath

"You really miss her Ruby?" Mom giggles

"I'll leave you now Ms. L" Dara smiles and  left right away.

"Of course Mom!" Jennie tightens her hugs more making me lose my breath. It wasn't the type of hug that she missed me. It was kinda angry or annoyed???

"You kitten! I'm like a duck, you've been chasing for hours. Don't worry won't run away" I chuckle and push her away to get some air "How was your day with Mom?"

"Well~ Mom took me with her at Chanel Paris fashion week!" Jennie gives out her gummy smile which I love then she takes out a few polaroid pictures. She shared some stories about the pictures she took one by one which I just let her. I'm glad she enjoyed her bond with mom outside the house for the first time even if she's in disguised.

"Lisa honey~ Where is your Dad?" Mom asks, catching my attention

"Oh, I haven't seen him since this morning" I shrug and continue to look at the pictures with Jennie

"I see~ Have you even ate lunch Lisa?" Mom asks and she was a little serious this time. I look at her with a nervous smile and slowly shake my head.

"I knew this would happen! I told your Dad to let you finish college first! How can you study and work at the same time when you can't even eat on time?" Mom scolds

"Mom, I don't have any appetite that's all besides Dara gave a few cookies" I give out a smile, a nervous smile. Mom was about to scold me again when Jennie butts in

"Mommy~ I think its best if we would just take unnie out to eat rather than scolding her?" She stated nervously. We both exchange glances until Mom nods.

"Alright~ Let's go! I don't want you to starve. Your Dad should be prepared when he see's me later" Mom blankly stated and walk out the office.

"Thank you for saving me Jennie" I hug and kiss her cheeks. She push me away and a deathly glare.

"Don't thank me" She coldly utters and holds my arm "I'm mad at you for not taking care of yourself"

"Are you worried?" I smirk

"Yes! I am worried" She shouts then covers her mouth quickly since it was pretty loud "I'm worried as a sister!" She stated and walks away with her short legs making me laugh at her cuteness.

YOU AND ME (JENLISA G!P)Where stories live. Discover now