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"Lisayah~ Can you please come out and eat?" I beg because it's been days since she came out of her room that night, eating a proper meal. I waited for her to come back but I fell asleep. I just knew that she had come back because when I came back from dropping Ella at school, I saw her door closing.

"Mommy, can we go now?" Ella pouts

"Yes baby, give me a few minutes, I change my clothes" I sighed and went straight to the bathroom, to do my routine.


"She really won't stop?" I cough and place my ear on the door

"Mommy can we go now?" I heard Ella "Yes baby, give me a few minutes, I change my clothes" Jennie replied. I sigh in relief and took a seat on my bed when I heard a few continuous knocks.

"L-lisa unnie? Are you okay? Can you please open the door?" I heard Ella from the other side. I really want to refuse but something is really pushing me to obey this little girl. I was shock that I am literally falling for some kind of trap that Jennie may be putting me in so I would open the door.

"Y-yes?" I open the door and saw Ella looking at me worriedly "I'm fine, don't worry" 

"But you did not eat unnie" She pouts which made me smile. I squat down to level her height and pat her head "Mommy is sending you food and she's hurt because you won't eat it"

"I'm sorry but Lisa unnie is sick. I don't want to pass it to your mommy but I'm fine now" I explained. I receive a nod from her when she cups my cheeks "What are you doing?" I chuckle

"Are we twins unnie? I only have mommy's eyes but---"

"Ella let's go?" Jennie comes out of her room while fixing herself when she saw me "L-lili~"

"I'm going out~" I grab my coat and was about to leave when Ella holds my arm. "Where are you going unnie? Mommy can drive you" Ella flash her gummy smile which made it hard for me to reject but I can't just be very soft for Ella. 

"I'll just be going around, no need to drive me okay?" I pat her head and went out. As usual, I stayed at the rooftop for 2 hours when I received a message from Bam about our project. I quickly went down, entering back to my unit when Jennie tugs my arm.

"Lisa talk to me please~" Jennie was getting teary but I ignored her and pull my arm when she kneels down and hug my legs "I'm begging you Lisa! I hate it when we're like this~ Please" She cries out and grips tightly.

"I need to go to work~" I stated coldly and pull her up, wiping off her tears "There's an emergency"

"No! We won't be going unless you talk to me!" She tugs my arm again "Do you want me to suffer just like how you did Lisa? Tell me how much did you suffer!"

"Not now Jennie!" I said in a firm tone "Don't let this affect our project we only have 8 days left" I quickly walk out of my apartment, going to the basement to grab my car and drove off too the company.


"Sir~ Please, choose the things you prefer. If you're still not satisfied we can change some things just to make your event successful" Lisa asks our client. It's been 5 hours since we've been negotiating with our client because he wants some last minute changes.

YOU AND ME (JENLISA G!P)Where stories live. Discover now