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"Unnieeeeeee can we go out and play?" The kitten here beside me continues to bother me.

Jennie has been with us for 3 months already and we're forming a really good bond. Jennie started homeschooling like me we get pretty bored because we can't go out as of now since mommy and daddy are dealing with some problems with the company, we are being attacked by the media plus they don't know anything about Jennie and my face hasn't been revealed too. 

Anyways, we're here inside our mini library, I'm studying trigonometry while Jennie finished her assignments that's why she was bothering me for a total of I guess 2 hours~

"Kitten~ Let me study. We will play later" I stated and went back to study. I need to ace this exam so I could get out of this homeschooling stuff.

"I hate you! You don't love me anymore!" She stomps her feet and walks out the library which made me sigh in defeat, she's really a spoiled little girl. For sure, she will lock herself in her room, crying all day. Why am I even spoiling her since she got here?

"Don't worry Lisa, you know what to do" I mumble and decided that I will finish this first so I could make it up to her. It didn't even take long that I finish and I grab some mint chocolate ice cream from the kitchen and that's one thing I should never run out just in case Jennie sulks or get mad at me.

"Jennie~ It's unnie" I softly knock on her door then place my ears on it "Kitten~" I knock again when I heard her small sobs "Unnie bought mint choco ice cream" I stated and not even a second the door open. I was about to speak when she just grab the ice cream and close the door.

"Kitten~ Won't you share it with me?" I sigh

"Get your own" I heard her sulk making me laugh. I stood infront of her room, trying to console her for a couple of minutes but she didn't really opened the door for me. 

"Don't you want to play with me Kitten?" I sigh

"You don't want me anymore! I will go back to the orphanage. No one really loves me~" Jennie sobs more which made me sad for making her cry. I know she's 10 years old but knowing that she was left by her parents at a young age, being picked by kids and being adopted and returned for several times, I knew I shouldn't make her feel rejected. 

"I won't allow that~  If Jennie needs unnie then unnie also needs Jennie. Now can you come out and give me a hug? Please kitten?" I sigh and thought of another way to make her come out and forgive me when I spotted Mommy and daddy by the stairs. They finally came home after being away for 3 days~

"Mommy, Daddy" I run and hug them. Daddy gave me a kiss on my forehead while Mommy gave me on the cheeks "Where is Jennie?" Mommy asks while stroking my hair

"She's in her room sulking because I didn't grant her wish to play" I pout

"Why are you being cute now huh? Ever since Jennie came you learn to be cute already" Daddy chuckles and pinches my cheeks before knocking on Jennie's door "Princess! Daddy and Mommy are home, we have something for you" He speaks and Jennie opened the door

"Daddy!" She jumps and hugs Daddy tight then went to Mommy to receive a kiss on her cheeks "Mommy! Lisa unnie won't play with me~"

"Lisa unnie needs to study sweetheart~ She's needs to take a test so she could go to highschool" Mommy explains then Jennie looks at me before back to Mommy

"Is Lisa unnie going to study at school? Will I be left here all alone?" Jennie asks

"Yes, Lisa unnie will go to school and of course you will go with her" Daddy stood beside me and flashes a smile before he added "The problem is fixed. Now both of you can go out with your bodyguards but Daddy and Mommy has a favor"

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