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"Lisa stop~"

"Leave me alone! I deserve this!" I groan and chug up the bottle of soju in front of me. I know I've been drinking here for 2 hours straight already but I don't care, all I want is to forget tonight the painful things she told me for the whole day "That's why she left me~ I am a controlling asshole! Now I know~"

"Stop saying that Lisayah~ All you did was best for her. She doesn't know the whole story that's why it turned out that way" I felt Rosé, my best friend, comforting me by hands rubbing my back to calm me down. 

"Still an asshole" I sigh and finish my drinks then cough when I can't tolerate the burning sensation of the alcohol down my throat "You done? Come on I'll bring you home. We can't stay long Lisa, you have a reputation to keep" She pats my back and helps me up. I obeyed and get up, trying to stand properly so she won't have a hard time. I squint my eyes to adjust as the bright light hitting my face "You good Manoban?"

"Yeah, let's go----" I didn't finish when I saw my mortal enemy, Kim Hanbin who was enjoying the girls around him. As my blood boil upon seeing his face, I push Rose away and approach him "What the fuck?! Kim Hanbin!" I walk towards him furiously and with no hesitation I punch his fucking ugly face. He fell down making me scoff "It's been years playboy!"

"What the hell? Who the fuc---- Manoban?" He scoffs and chuckles like he didn't felt the pain of my punch which made me punch him harder

"Lisa!" Rose holds my arm, pulling me away from him but I shove her away "If it weren't for your money! Jennie would still be mine!" I hover on top of him and punch him nonstop

"Lisa stop!"



"Jennie is gone!" He screams and kicks me off him, making me fall on the glass table, across us which broke into pieces "Know the place Manoban! The world if full of cameras"

"Fuck you!" I scream when he chuckles like a maniac. Later on, I realize that cameras were already flashing around us, each and every camera and mobile phone. I quickly get up and leave the bar with Rose tailing~

"I'm totally dead~" I rush towards my car and get in

"Lisayah! Let me drive!" Rosie knocks from the outside but I ignored her and drove away. I watch running her after my car. I'm sorry for now Rosie. I need alone time for now.


"What the hell is this?!"

"You affected my company's reputation!"

"What's happening?" I approach Jisoo confusedly upon spotting her and entering the office lobby when a huge crowd circled at the center. I tried to take a look but I can't see a thing~

"Haven't you open your phone or seen the news lately?" She frowns

"That's why I asked Kim Jisoo" I roll my eyes and try look through the crowd again

"Mr. Cheon!"

"You need to be fired Manoban!"

"L-lisa?" I frown more and look at Jisoo

"Oh~ You're worried now?" She teases me while wiggling her eyebrows making me pinch her arm "Oh shut up! I am worried about my team. It may affect me too"

YOU AND ME (JENLISA G!P)Where stories live. Discover now