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"Mhmmmm~" I move  and hug my pillow then cover my face when sunrays were hitting my face. The pillow today was different because of the scent I was longing for.

"L-Lisa?" I quickly opened my eyes when I realize the scent and saw Lisa sleeping soundly beside me. I swallow a lump in my throat when I saw her topless. My eyes went down and saw---

"What the f? It wasn't a dream" I mumble and hug myself when I realize I'm also naked. No fucking way!

"Yah~" I giggle and smack my head "I'm just dreaming, Lisa won't even do this. She doesn't fuck me just once" I laugh and get off the bed, standing even if I felt weak. I held onto her side table when--- 

"Ahhhh!" I groan and fell on the ground that made Lisa get up quickly.

"Who was---" She sits and her eyes widen when she saw me. I watch Lisa look at me then her body. We both look at each other in shock "Jenn-Shit?!" She curses and gets up then carries me up, putting me back on the bed. 

"L-lis~" I watch her grabbing some underwear from her closet then wear it. I spotted her wounds bleeding making me get up but I fell down again "Lisa you're bleeding!"

"I'm fine" She coldly utters and wraps a robe around me "You need to go home, I'm sure your good husband and daughter are looking for you" She utters but I remember what I told her last night and that's to talk things out.


"Just forget what happened" Lisa wears her shirt and walk to the door "Your husband and Ella must be worried"

"Did you regret it Lisa?" I ask and my voice cracked when she ask me to forget what happened. I mean who wouldn't be hurt when someone you love tells you to forget an intimate night?

"Jen~ You are married" She looks at me angrily "You are a married woman Jennie!"

"Who said that?!" I argue back "Yes I have a daughter but---- Oh shit Ella!"

"You have---"

"L-lisa! I-I'll be back l-let me e-explain. I need t-to check on Ella" I groan silently and hold my pussy but I ignore it since I literally forgot that I have a daughter to look after. "I'll be back" I forced myself to walk when Lisa holds my arm to stop me and carries me like a bride

"Yah! Mano-" She cuts me off with a glare and walk towards the bathroom, putting me inside the bathtub.

"I'll drop you off" She stated coldly and starts giving me a warm bath. I look at Lisa and smile. She's still the Lalisa I met and love. The cold but caring woman who always make my heart flutter.


"Care to explain why can't I or Ella call you?" V asks as he drives me to the office. Since Ella wasn't able to call me, she called V to stay over. I am lucky to have a friend like him even though I know that I am hurting him because I can't love him back.

"It's a long story" I smile slightly and look outside

"Your father was looking for you last night since your husband, Mr. Kwon escape" V stops at red light and looks at me "Jennieyah~ How can you make us worry like that?"

YOU AND ME (JENLISA G!P)Where stories live. Discover now