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"I quit, Mr. Cheon, Thank you for giving me this opportunity to work here, I appreciate that even after choking me to death"

"What happened Ms. Manoban? Is it because of Ms. Kim again? She shouldn't be in this project. I told you right?!"

"She needs this job more than me sir, like what I told you way back and please give me your permission---"

"NO WAIT!" I quickly barge in and look at Lisa, stopping her from what she's going to say next.

"Ms. Kim?" Mr. Cheon looks at me coldly like he's going to kill me alive. What the hell am I even doing?? You're letting your ego down, Jennie! You idiot!

"Mr. Cheon, it's just a misunderstanding. Don't worry we will fix this" I sigh because of my excuse and slowly grab Lisa's hand. I don't know why it made me feel like I don't want to let it go. A part of me tells that if I will let her go then she might fly back to Paris and I will never be able to see her again.

"I want this presentation in 2 weeks" Mr. Cheon stated. I just bow and quickly pull Lisa out of his old-fashioned office. I drag her back to our department when she shoves my hands away. She was looking at me angrily which frightened me. She never looked at me that way~

"What are you doing Jennie?! Isn't this exactly what you wanted?!" She looks at me, full of anger and sadness "Why are you doing this to me, Jen?"

"I-I--" I look at her and by that, I remembered the painful things that happened 7 years ago that made me tear up. "Shut up Lisa! You both got us in this situation" I turn around, wiping my tears, and was about to leave when she grabs and pins me to the wall.

"Do you want me to suffer Jennie?!" She asks. I tried pushing her away but there was no use. "There you go again! Walking out of the situation! That's what you're good at right?!" Lisa grips my arm tightly making me wince in pain. I knew she notice it because she removed it right away.

"I-I'm s-sorry~" Lisa's brows furrowed because of how worried she was then she checks on my hand, caressing it gently. I close my eyes, feeling her touch and there it all went back to me from the things she's done to me since we met again here in Seoul until today.

"I'm sorry are you hurt?" She caresses my face, wiping my tears. I open my eyes upon her touch and there I got lost in her brown eyes that I wasn't answer and back away because it made me remember our past.

"Why do you care?! Stop playing with my feelings!" I grab my hand as Lisa flashes a small smile before nodding and walking out.

"Why can't I just forget her?!" I cover my face and wipe it due to frustration. I've trying to look strong in front of her, letting her see that I'm better off without her but why in every hard situation I've been through she's always the one that's in my mind. 

"I think you've done too much" Roseanne utters that made me look at her "You're hurting her"

"And she deserves it!" 

"Really?! Without knowing her reason?!" She scoffs "You know why----"

"Roseanne! We need to go!" Jisoo runs towards us and drag her "Bye Jennie!"

"No! She needs to know!" Roseanne pushes Jisoo and glares at me

"If you're doing this because you're Lisa's bestfriend then I don't care" I coldly utter and added "You know what me and Lisa went through! Why won't she just be happy with her husband and her company right?! She received billions because of me!"

YOU AND ME (JENLISA G!P)Where stories live. Discover now