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"Arghhhh!" I groan and cry in pain after stumbling on a pile of rock while playing tag with my friends. They were all laughing at me while here I am, bleeding and having a hard time standing up


"Poor you!"

"Mandu! Mandu! Soiled Mandu" One of the kids teases and everyone laughs. I look down, trying to get up again when a pair of hands carry me up, putting one of my arm around her neck. Her arm then was wrapped around my waist to support me.

"Do you want me to tell that you all are bullies so that your adoption papers will be cancelled?!" She argues coldly that made all of the kids run off. I turn to look at this tall black-haired girl, she had cute bangs that compliments her small barbie face and doe eyes.

"Sit~" She speaks blankly and helps me sit on one of the bench. I quickly obeyed her then what she did next made my heart beat abnormally. The girl dusted of the dirt off my clothes then press her handkerchief on my wound. I think I'm sick~

"Ahhh!" I wince when she tied her handkerchief around my wounded-knee. I heard her mumble sorry before standing up. We both stared at each other for a while and when she was about to leave, I grab the edge of her coat "A-are y-you new here?"

"H-huh?" She turns around and looks at me confusedly. She looked foreign so I tried to ask her again "I ask if you're new here" I stated clearly and pointed at the establishment. I knew she was about to answer when two tall men came running towards us followed by a nice dressed man and woman.

"Lalisa! We've been looking for you everywhere!" The lady in white quickly hugs her. I supposed she's her mother~

"Are you alright?" The man in a nice looking grey suit, squats down and pats her head. I watch this tall girl nod. Later on all of them look at me~

"Who do we have here? What's your name sweetheart" The lady smiles and takes a seat beside me.

"J-jennie K-kim~"

"Adorable~" I heard the girl they called Lalisa that made my cheeks heat up. I think I need a doctor now~

"I guess we found the new member of our Family. Lalisa only communicated with you" The man speaks up and holds my hand "Jennie princess? I am Marco Manoban, this is my wife Chitthip Manoban and our daughter Lalisa"

"H-hello" I smile shyly which made them smile and chuckle except for the tall girl.

"Do you want to come with us?" He ask. I was shock at his statement that what if they will feed me to hungry Lions, Tigers or even Sharks or they will sell me brain?

"Sweetheart~ We won't harm you~ We can be your family once you agree, our Lalisa would be happy if you would come" The lady asks while I look at the tall girl who was crossing her arms like she's waiting for this to end. She seems scary~

"I-is it okay?" I ask in a low tone but a little excited to get out of this place.

"More than okay sweetheart~ We always want an additional member in our family and we've been visiting here for a couple of times already" The lady speaks while I just nod and smile.

"Okay" I flash my biggest gummy smile. 

"Great! Ask someone to prepare Jennie's papers" The man smiles and it didn't take long some of the staffs inside the organization packed my things while the man and the lady were inside the office with the tall girl. Two men waited for me outside while I bid goodbye to the kids happily. I guess they are jealous just by seeing their faces.

YOU AND ME (JENLISA G!P)Where stories live. Discover now