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"Fuck this life~" I wipe my tears as I fix my hoodie, trying to hide my face from the passengers on the train. A month ago I moved out of the mansion earlier after leaving Lisa who was sleeping. I know she will try explaining again but I can't let them fool me again. This time it's only me~

"She chose him Jennie~" I mumble and look out "Forget her~ Besides Mom and Dad likes him"

"This is the last stop" The man announces. I quickly grab my bag and went down the train. I walk for 10 minutes to reach the bar where I'm working right now. I move to Britanny, France which is quite far from Paris where no one would know me. I applied as a waitress in one of the famous bars.

"Jennie! Give this to VIP 1" The bartender places the tray. I nod and put my bag and hoodie inside my locker. I carried the tray and serve the drinks to the VIP room then I also serve drinks and take orders from the customers

"You look like Ruby Jane~" The lady stated

"Oh~ I get that a lot" I smile weakly and went back to the counter. I started wiping the glasses then went back to serving drinks when I heard 2 ladies talking.

"It's been a month since Pranpriya and Ruby Jane Manoban are seen on televisions and magazines"

"Maybe they're taking a break. Besides there's no news coming from their family too and Chitthip Manoban has no upcoming series' or movies"

"There were pictures circulating a few weeks ago. Pranpriya was seen with a man in a VIP restaurant"

"Maybe its her boyfriend!"

"Tsk! Now that jerk is living a happy life" I mumble

"Jennie! VIP 4" The bartender calls. I quickly went to the counter and carried the drinks when he taps my arm "The man wants to have some time with you, 10 thousand european dollars"

"That's big" I frown

"Just go~~" He signs and I sigh while making my way to the VIP room

"Here's your drinks sir~" I place down the drinks and stand up properly "What do you--- G-grand----Sr. Manoban"

"It's been so long Ruby Jane~" He smirks

"What are you doing here~" I whispers and look down

"Oh I came here to give you this~" He stands and hand a white envelope "Your sister's wedding invitation and some pictures of her. I know you missed her" He laughs. I accepted the envelope and open it. I found 10 thousand dollars, an invitation and some intimate pictures of Lisa and and her rich boyfriend.

"What do you want?" I sigh and place the envelope in my pocket

"Lalisa was feeling guilty that she's getting married and that you'll be alone. You've been together since kids and your bond is unbreakable" 

"So?" I roll my eyes and cross my arms. The nerve of this girl and her grandpa. Wait... Does she know I'm here?!

"So~ Lalisa sent Jiyong for you to marry" He smiles and he turns to the man sitting on the couch 

"Sorry but---" I was cutted off when Grandpa leans close and whispers "The company is going bankrupt. You would do anything for Lalisa and anything to pay back the family right? Kwon Jiyong would give 1 billion dollars"

YOU AND ME (JENLISA G!P)Where stories live. Discover now