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"Li~" Jennie enters with a bouquet of flowers, having a big smile on her face 

"What's with that smile?" I chuckle then pull her to sit on my lap "Thank you~ I love them" Jennie pecks my lips and places the flowers on the table but I look at her teasingly "How did you know huh? What if it's coming from your fans?"

"First of all these are daisies and second, there is a Kuma sticker here" Jennie pouts and points at the tiny Kuma sticker. I laugh and mess up her hair, pulling her to sit on my lap "How's the shoot?"

"Did great but I need to get back there now" Jennie whines and gets up "I'll be back here by dinner, see you around hon----unnie" Jennie quickly changes my nickname when the door opens

"Ms. L~ Your Grandpa is at the conference room" Dara enters. I look at Jennie and sigh before giving her a nod. Jennie left right away and I follow Dara to the conference room. Upon entering, grandpa was taking a sip of his coffee while a blonde-haired, well-dressed man was sitting beside him.


"Lalisa come here~" Grandpa signs me come which I obeyed "This is Song Mino, your future husband"

"Grandpa we talked about this!" I slightly raise my voice and glared at him then to the man beside him "Mr. Song, sorry to be rude but can you leave us for now?"

"S-sure~" He nods and quickly leaves but as soon as the door closed, I receive a hard slap on my face and I felt a cut on my lips

"You worthless brat! The company is going bankrupt because of you!"

"Probably it's your son's fault" I hiss and get up "Do you want to know that he's gambling the company's money? I have proof" I stated the secret that I had been hiding for years already since I overheard his conversation with a foreign businessman

"The Song family is one of the biggest investors, Lalisa!" Grandpa slams his cane on the table which cause me to flinch "We will lose them if you won't marry their son!"

"It's not my fault!" I shout when I felt my chest getting tight

"You won't even last long~ Your dear sister-----I mean fiance would probably die because of losing you" Grandpa laughs and hits my chest with his cane causing me to fall on the ground. He walks to the door and look at me "It's better if you made a move already or your mother's heart monitor will be beeping and showing a straight line tomorrow"

"Fuck you!" I shout but he laugh again "Try convincing your sister. I'm setting her up soon" He stated before he left me inside the conference room. As my chest keeps getting tighter, I look for my pills in my pocket which I'm glad that I took it with me. I quickly swallowed and keep back the pills when I felt dizzy.

"He is getting in my nerves" I get up and walk back to my office before anyone could see me in this state. Thinking on how he threatened me, I need to move or Jennie would be married to someone else and mom would lose her life.

"I will k-kill you Grandpa" I fell on the ground and hold my chest when it was hurting more. I groan in pain and hug myself when I felt someone shaking me "Pran! Are you alright?!" 

"Shit! Your fever is high!"

"R-rosie?" I squint my eyes to see if it's really her

"Ms. Park, what's happening?" I heard Dara but my vision is getting blurry

YOU AND ME (JENLISA G!P)Where stories live. Discover now