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"Cheater!" I watch Jennie storming out of my room, my apartment.

"Wh-what--- Why did you just let her leave?!" Mino asks in disbelief but I was running out of breath and my chest was hurting. I quickly run to the small cabinet near the door and grab my medicines out, taking them quickly.

"G-grab m-my cl-clothes M-mino~" I cough and he quickly obeyed. I was regaining my breath and my strength before Mino comes back with my clothes  "Grandpa and Dad surely set us up" I gave all of my strength to get up, grabbing my clothes from Mino and getting in the bathroom, wearing it quickly. As I went out, Mino was dressed up.

"Fuck them!" He curses and messes his hair "But for sure, nothing happened"

"Yeah~ I n-need to go and find her" I went out and rush towards the elevator. Mino follows and got in too, he pats my shoulder and gives me a weak smile "Let me come with you and I'll explain. You can't be stressed out this much"

"Thank you Mino" I sigh and when I got to the basement the first thing I saw was a bunch of men carrying a lady. I didn't hesitate to help this woman

"YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" I shout and run towards. I noticed that the figure was familiar as I got closer, making me attack them quickly "RUBY JANE?!"

"Lisayah!" Mino came and helped me but they were too many

"Youngmaster!" My bodyguards came but it was to late when those men carried Jennie inside the van, driving out of the establishment. I saw how pale Jennie was~

"RUBY JANE!" I get up and run towards my car. I could hear them calling me but I ignored them and drive out, tailing those assholes. They can't harm my Jennie~ Never unless I'm still alive

"I'm going to kill you Dad~" 


"Is she awake?"

"She's conscious now Master"

"Good bring her inside when she's fully conscious"

"Your other grandaughter is making a scene outside, Master"

"Let her~"

"Argh~" I groan and hold my head

"You're finally awake, Ruby Jane" A man speaks. I tried to adjust my sight and when I clearly saw his face, it made me look at him in disgust "Surprise to see me, Ruby?"

"Grandpa, what are you doing?!" I moved and noticed that my hands are tied "What the---"

"Bring her in" He stated and walk inside the huge house upfront. I don't have any choice but to follow because his men and dragging me with them. 

As we got in, I spotted a man in his 80s, a man in his 50s and a young man who's about Lisa's age. Grandpa's men untied my hands and push me beside grandpa who quickly grip my wrist. I groan silently and look at the young man smirking as he checks me out. I roll my eyes and look at Grandpa when he clears his throat.

"Gentlemen, this is my grandaughter Jennie Ruby Jane Manoban"

"What a beautiful fine lady you have here, Sr. Manoban" The man in his 50s smile

"I know~" Grandpa laughs and looks at the young man "Ruby Jane, this is Kim Hanbin, the Kim Pharmaceutical's heir and your soon to be husband"

YOU AND ME (JENLISA G!P)Where stories live. Discover now