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"So what are you planning Pranpriya? You can't hide forever" Jackson asks, we're going to the mall today to find clothes to wear for prom.

"I don't know Jack~ What if she will hate me?"

"I think hating you isn't in her dictionary, Pran. You're just overthinking! I mean being together since kids? Won't be surprised if both of you will get married right away" Jin laughs which made me slap him to shut up. Yes, my friends know my feelings towards Jennie or should I say, Ruby Jane. They also helped me realize my true feelings for her and I thank them for that. At least I got out of the crazy denial stage.

"So what's your plan? Your game plan Pran. We all know a lot of boys are dying to date her so don't lose this chance because you're always number one on her list" Jin stated and they both tease me

"I agree! Ruby is so whipped for you. I think she likes you romantically" Jackson speaks and they continue teasing me. I slap their head to shut them up but it was no use. They kept teasing until we arrived at the mall.

"What are you doing?" Jackson ask as soon as I got out while I was looking around the mall. I shake my head and hold his hand then drag him with me. My bodyguards are following me meters away so it won't attract people.

"Where are you going?!" Jin shouts and I know he's catching up with us. I drag Jackson to the department store's fitting room and lock it quickly.

"Pran! What is going on---" I cover Jackson's mouth and glare at him

"Buy me a necklace and some flowers" I whisper and lean close to him because he was confused "Someone's following us"

"A-alright~" Jackson pats my shoulder and push me away "You scared the hell out of me! I thought you will kiss me!"

"What?! In your dreams Jack! Now go away, we've talked about it" I give him one last glare and leave him alone. I went out the store and tried to spot Jin who's eating corndog at the side.

"When will he even stop?" I sigh and walk towards him, grabbing the corndog before he takes a bite. He cried like a kid that I pinch stomach for him to stop. How come I'm friends with these kids?

"Let's go and pick some clothes Jin"

"Jeez! Be patient Pran!" He stood up and walks ahead. He's probably annoyed already.

"Hold my hand Jin" I walk beside him and grab his hand


"Just hold it" I give him a glare and he followed right away making me smirk "Go with the flow ok?"

"Yes boss" He scoffs making me giggle

We both arrived at Louis Vuitton and picked out our clothes that we will be using for prom. We also bought some jewelries while waiting for Jackson. We had dinner afterwards and they took me home. Actually Mom and Dad has no problem with my friends since they are the sons of their friends. Jackson and Jin knows everything about me except for my real name which I've been keeping as what I promised Dad.

"Don't be a coward ok? You're a Manoban, Pran" Jackson and Jin chuckles and mess up my hair before I got out of the car. 

"We're here for you" Jackson smiles and gives me a hug which I responded with a quick hug

"You guys are the best~"


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