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"Hon you done?" I ask and approach Jennie who's putting on her lipstick. I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her cheek "You look beautiful, with or without it"

"Stop it Manoban" Jennie nudges me gently with her elbow making me laugh and turn her around

"I am not lying Mrs. Manoban. It's useless since I would be removing it every now and then" I peck her lips multiple times, messing up with her lipstick. Jennie whines while I continue to kiss her but now I gave her a very long one.

"Manoban!" Jennie slaps my shoulder and breaks the kiss while I laugh hard. I know she's trying to act like she doesn't like it but she looks cute especially when she's blushing hard. I am proud of myself for still having the same effect on her.

"Mommy! Dada! Let's go!" The door bursts open and Ella runs towards me, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room. Two of dad's men were standing in the living, waiting after placing our luggage in the van.

"Is everything settled young master? Do you still need anything?" 

"Everything is settled. Thank you" I smile and carry Ella

"Lalisa! How many times do I have to tell you not to carry Ella for now" Jennie scolds me all of a sudden

"Hon~ I'm fine. It's been 2 months"

"Still! You're still recovering"  Jennie gives me a glare

"Dada! I think we need to listen. Mommy is becoming a dragon now" Ella whispers making me hold my laugh while placing her down. We all checked the rooms and locked the door before I gave the key to the man who's in charge of my assets here in Korea.

With 2 months of me recovering after my operation, Jennie and I settled everything from resigning from the company, party with our team at Jeju, to bidding our farewells to our friends and colleagues. Dad stayed for another month before going back to Paris so he can prepare everything, including a new house I bought to surprise Jennie and Ella. I don't want to stay in our old house because it makes me remember a lot of things.

"Mommy~ Is Paris nice?" Ella asks while she sits on my lap. I look at Jennie who smiled and nod.

"Yes baby~ It's where me and your dada grew up. We did a lot of things together since we were kids" Jennie utters. I smile and intertwine our hands together while I look out at the City of Seoul before leaving.

"Really? I can't wait to get there! I want to do some things that you and Dada do there when you were kids" Ella speaks

"You will love it baby~" I look at Ella and pinch her cheeks before I look back out the window

Not for long, we arrived in Incheon airport and hop in to Dad's private jet that will take us to Paris. Ella was sleeping and I placed her in the bedroom while me and Jennie sat beside each other as we reminisce some of our good old memories in Paris.

"Will everything be the same as before when we get there? You know paparazzi, cameras, bodyguards" Jennie lays her head on my shoulder

"We don't know~ But if ever that happens, I'll make sure of Ella's safety first" I plant a kiss on her forehead "And yours as well~"

"Do you know that's one out of a million things why I fell in love with you?" Jennie giggles 

"You're just head over heels for me Mrs. Manoban" I peck her lips and hug her tight "It just feels like a dream you know?" I look down at Jennie who look back at me "I didn't know that we come all this way"

YOU AND ME (JENLISA G!P)Where stories live. Discover now