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"I'm sorry for making you suffer like this princess, Dad is sorry"

"Wh-who is he M-mommy?" Ella looks at me confusedly. I look at Dad and stand "That's Mr. Manoban. He helped me years ago"

"I-is she---"

"Thank you for helping us, Mr. Manoban. I owe you a lot D-dad~" I sincerely stated

"What about you both stay at my hotel? There's a vacant room beside mine" He offered making me sigh and nod. I can't put myself especially Ella in danger with this man.

"I'll send my men to bring him to the station. Don't worry~" He pats my shoulder and guides us out of the house.


"I hope you'll be comfortable here" Dad stated as he opens the door for us

"Thank you D-da- Mr. Manoban" I bow "I'll be the one to pay for the bills"

"Uncle! I've been waiting for hours. Where---- What is she doing here?" Rose looks at me angrily but Dad ignores her and face me "Can we talk Jennie?"

"We're talking already~" I sigh and look away

"About what happened, Lisa wasn't at fault here----" I quickly cut him off when I know where this is going 

"Stop right there Mr. Manoban, I know you just want to make things right between me and Lisa" I turn around and walk towards the bedroom0

"What the fuck Jennie are you that cold hearted?! After all the sacrifices Lisa did for you?!" Rose shouts

"Sacrifice?!" I turn around looking at this chipmunk angrily "Really?! Then why did I ended up here?! She used me for that goddamn money!"

"That's not true! Lisa.... I set her up with that guy, Mino. Your Grandpa brainwashed me Jennie and I thought what I'm doing is right. I have no idea how you ended up here in Korea but Lalisa looked for you everywhere to the point she forgot to eat and take care of her health" Dad went close and hold my hand. I look at him and I could see sadness and regret in his eyes

"And why should I believe you?" My pride was to high that I pulled my hand away not believing any of them

"Because I was there Jennie. I've witnessed everything and Lisa asked me to look after you" Jisoo speaks. She was right beside Roseanne who was fuming

"Oh just leave and let her suffer with that asshole" Rose approach Dad and drag him with her but I speak and look at Jisoo

"And you knew Lisa?" I scoff

"I'm Lisa's cousin or should I say your cousin" Jisoo stated making me scoff again and laugh in a fake manner. So they had been following me around?

"So you've been like on her side?! You befriended me because she asked you?! Oh fuck~" I mess my hair and walk towards my room

"Jen---" I quickly slam the door right in Jisoo's face who followed me up to the room. "J-jen? I know we don't have the right to meddle with this matter but you're over the line already and you deserve to know the truth" I heard Jisoo from the outside

"Here~ Mino is in Seoul for a business trip, you can talk to him" She speaks and seconds later a small piece of paper was slid under the door "He's the man arranged with Lisa"

YOU AND ME (JENLISA G!P)Where stories live. Discover now