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"Good morning Ms. J!"

"Good morning Dara is Pran here?" I smile as I approach after I get off the elevator.

"She's at the conference room 4"

"Conference room? Did she have any meetings today? What about the twins" I frown because she never told me that she has meetings today. Yes, we update each others schedules

"Don't worry about the twins and Ms. L didn't have any meetings. She requested her office to be cleaned today" Dara explained

"I see~ Thank you Dara" I smile and went to where Lisa and the twins. I could even hear their loud screams. I didn't even know that raising twins would be so hard that they will only listen to Lisa most of the time.

"Hey~" I take a peek and enter. Only to see both of the twins sitting on Lisa's lap while she is working.

"Hey hon" Lisa smiles while the twins got off and greets me with a kiss.

"How was meeting?" Lisa smile and approach me with a kiss on my lips.

"It went well and we'll be releasing the newest collection by the end of the month"

"That's great hon!" Lisa smiles. The twins continues to play on the table so I look at Lisa and ask "Still working"

"Yes but if you would like to go out. I could set it aside" Lisa went to her chair and was about to clean her things

"No just continue. We can wait" I smile and sit beside Lia, my daughter while Liam went to sit on Lisa's lap again.

Yes, I got pregnant with twins and they are turning 5 this year. The twins got most of my features but also got some of Lisa's which made her sulk for how many days but I know she loves them. Now, a few months ago I gave birth to our 4th child, Luca who looks a lot like Lisa. Lisa has been bragging it to dad and her friends not only that but she even sleeps with him in his room that made me jealous because it looks like she's so whipped of him. I think she should marry her son instead~

"Mommy!" Lia smiles and gives me her barbie doll which cut me off my thoughts.

"Yes baby?" I smile hold the barbie

"Can we eat ice cream?" She looks at me with her puppy eyes.

"Of course but you should ask Dada" I whisper then point at Lisa who is busy on her laptop while Liam is just behaving on Lisa's lap.

"Dada! Can we eat ice cream?!" Lia exclaims in full excitement

"Sure princess" Lisa quickly closes her laptop "Let's go?"

"Hon, you should finish your work first. We can wait"

"Nope! We're going now. Work can wait" Lisa smiles and told the twins to pack up their toys while she pack her stuffs. "Let's go?" Lisa grabs the twins' bags and my bag together with hers.

"Yeah!" Lia holds my hands while Liam went to hold Lisa's

"Wow! You both are twinning today huh?" Lisa chuckles and points at mine and Lia's outfit. I just notice now that we're both wearing white. "Pose my babies!" Lisa pulls out her phone while I quickly smile with Lia

"That was great" Lisa smiles then we all leave the office. Lisa assisted the twins at the back of the car then informed our bodyguards who prepared their own vehicle.

YOU AND ME (JENLISA G!P)Where stories live. Discover now