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"So how was it?" Taehyung ask as we got in his car. I look outside and sigh. It took a while for everything to sink in.

"He told me everything~ L-lisa n-never cheated on me. I-it was all a setup done by their Grandpa" I burst into tears again, remembering and  regretting for not letting Lisa explain when she beg for it. I remembered her state "Wh-what i-if I-I did let her explain? We w-ould b-be happy now with Ella"

"Jen~ Past is past Jennie" Taehyung soothes my back while he was driving me back to my office "What are you going to do now?"

"I-I don't know, m-my walls are up so high. I hate my pride Tae~" I cover my face and silently sob 

"Think about it Jennie, make sure you won't regret it this time. You were miserable when I first saw you. You told me everything and I know that only Lisa can heal and make you happy"

"I d-don't know, she's leaving after the project T-tae~ W-what if she leaves without hearing my side??"

"That's why think about it before this project of yours is finished" He stops the car as we arrive in front the tall buidling, where I work. "You good now?" He ask, I gave him a nod. Taehyung gets out and opens the door for me, giving me a small smile. 

"Call me when you need need someone to talk to" He gives me a tight hug and kiss my cheeks like he always do "I'll be one call aw--- oh shit~"

"Wh-what?" I ask when he was looking right behind me, making me turn around. I saw Lisa and Joy who was looking us. Believe me or not, I'm not used to this kind of things. Lisa was the one initiating the conversation whenever there is a misunderstanding when we were together.

"Sh-shit~ She misunderstood it Jen! Talk to her!" Taehyung pushes me as Lisa went inside the company, leaving Joy who is on the phone.

"Wh-what?!" I look at him in shock

"Just do it! You both need to talk. You need closure from the past" He hisses and pushes me. I quickly punch his shoulder and rush inside the lobby.

"Ms. Jennie!" I turn around when I heard someone calling my name. Joy rushes to my place and hands over some papers "Ms. Lisa told me to hand you these and don't forget the food tasting tomorrow"

"Th-thank you" I grab the papers from her hand and was about to leave when I spotted Ella with Lisa.


"The caterers called and they will come here first thing in the morning Ms. Manoban" Joy speaks as we got out my car.

"Alright we will prepare the hall tomorrow, we will have the food tasting. Please tell the CEO too" I instruct and look at my watch

"Arasso~ I'll handle that Ms. Lisa" Joy smiles which I reciprocated. I grab some files at the backseat but what I saw next broke my heart into pieces. Jennie is with a man and what hurt me the most is that he hug and kissed her cheek. It must be her husband~ 

"Ms. Manoban? You alright?" Joy ask and I just nod handing her the files "Please give these to Ms. Kim" I stated and rush inside the building. I shouldn't feel this way, I need to accept that she's married and there would be no chance for us.

"If only I can fly back to Paris now" I mumble and walk towards the elevator when a little girl bumped into me

"Ow!" She fell down. I was shocked but I quickly help and carry her up

YOU AND ME (JENLISA G!P)Where stories live. Discover now