My perfect Angel

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~chapter seventeen~

Pov Yejun

With my brother at my side, I entered the antique living room.

As always, it smelled of alcohol.

This time there was a smell of whiskey in the air, which mingled with the smell of the dark leather of the couch.


I wrinkled my nose and the second glass broke.

This time just a few centimeters in front of my feet.

My little brother shyly disappeared behind me in my shadow as I gently brought him into this position with one arm.

The person the shards came from was sitting on the brown sofa, legs roughly crossed, staring from my mother straight to me.

His eyes were dark and cold.

I repeated the look he gave me and waited for him to say something.

Then his gaze wandered from me to the blond boy behind me.

"The heist failed thanks to that bastard."

He grunted and his looks disgusted me.

The big beer belly flashed out from under the undershirt he was wearing and the little unkempt hair he had that was slowly losing its color, criss-crossing his face.

This look was rounded off with his stubbly beard, which he now scratched.

I hated this man.

"And you want to know why?"

He grinned dirty.

I didn't answer.

"He's wanted now because he was seen with me. Those idiots really thought I kidnapped that thing."

His eyes filled with hate again.

"Because of that little..."

He choked and I took the opportunity.

"Go quickly to your room Yeseong, ok? I'll come to you later."

My mother now cautiously entered the scene.

"You're here. Good. We've got enough stress here and instead of sitting on our backs doing this stupid singing, you could start bringing some money home. After all, I didn't bring you into the world for nothing."

Her tone was cold and without the slightest emotion. My father let out a grunt of agreement.

Pov Ilwoo

I now had the smell of delicious warm ramen in my nose, which I had previously gotten from the small shop around the corner.

The little yellow box smelled enticingly good and was devoured within minutes.

Then I got up from the small squeaky stool, left the old kitchen table and thus also this room.

My feet made their way to my bed where my phone rested. I opened my emails, hoping for approval from the job applications I had sent out.

Scrolling through the notifications my face went blank.

But apart from a couple of bills and advertisements, which I boredly pushed into the spam folder, nothing was visible.

"Wait, what's that?"

Suddenly something caught my attention.

A small and rather unobtrusive notification.

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