Bitter and Sweet

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~chapter six~

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The blond young male turned around, fixing his state and wondering where the voice came from.

"Ilwoyaa, I'm over here."

Finally the male met the gaze of his friend who now walked towards him.

She was still wearing her working clothes and gifted him a big smile, which reveiled her cute dimples.

"Hi Noona, what are you doing here?"

Ilwoo questioned her appearance, drying his tears without further ado.

"I got my work done for today. And you? Seems like you're upset because of something. Is everything alright?"

Her voice clang in concerne while eyeing the blond male carefully.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just dont talk about it. Do you wanna go in the park and hang out a little?"

He sounded still shaky, but luckily without the realization of Ari.

The young woman was busy taking off her pink apron and stuffing it into the small handbag with little care, which she now swung casually over her shoulder again.

"Nah, I don't feel like going there right now, personal stuff and so on. Let's just go to the market. I have to by a few things there anyway."

Ilwoo nodded, glad about the fact she didn't asked further questions.

And after what happened a few minutes ago he'd definitely need some distraction right now.

They made their way in to the city.

And it looked like both had the urge to disturbe their thoughts from something specific.

Pov Akita

The kiss came unexpected, even if it was me who started it.

I got closer to the brown haired without even a realization.

His pinkish lips looked so attractive, that they simply pulled me into their spell.

When I kissed him, I felt his unsteady breath, sensed his wide opened eyes, while mine were closed in pleasure.

I knew it wasn't right what I were doing, but it felt so good.

For a brief moment I saw him, the boy I had fallen in love with back then. 

And that turned out to be a huge mistake.

The the point came rashly and quicker then I thought, when I was torn out of my heal dream world and it now collapsed with a loud bang and many splinters over my head.

"Back off, what do you think you're doing. What is gotten into you?"

I got pushed away.

His words were angry and indignant and his broad torso tense.

I shrugged, shocked about myself.

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to...I wasn't aware of what I was...Sorry."

„Fuck...I'm dumb. Why did I do that?"

The whisper of my own deep voice echoed again in my pounding head.

I bit with my teeth on the inside of my cheek to distract myself and also to come down.

I knew that this action didn't make me any better than him.

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