•Marge Dursley•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
It was really late at night.
Vernon Dursley was in the Living Room with his wife and his only son, while Harry and Y/N were in their room.

They preferred to stay as far away from the Durlseys as they could, even though they lived in the same house.

Y/N was helping Harry to learn a new spell.
The Durlseys didn't know they were still awake, so they had to keep the light switched off.

If they caught them practicing magic, they would just start their usual lectures and hateful comments, and the twins were sick to hear them.

Y/N: It's easy, really. Try.
He whispered.

Harry nodded and raised his wand.
Harry: Lumos Maxima!
He said, as a strong white light erupted from his wand, filling the room, and lighting it like it was midday.

Y/N smiled proudly at his twin.
Y/N: Good Job!
He said, smiling.

That's when they heard footsteps head towards their room.

Y/N: Pretend to sleep, quick!
He said to Harry, as they both laid down and shut their eyes just in time, as Vernon opened the door to check if they were still awake.

A few seconds later he left, and the twins opened their eyes, looking at each other, and started laughing.

But the next day wasn't that funny for the twins.

They were forced to go downstairs, because Vernon's sister, Marge, was about to arrive.

And much to the twins' disappointment, she would have stayed for a week.

Y/N simply couldn't stand to breathe the same air as her.
He loathed her.

He still remembered well the day when her ugly dog chased him for the whole garden for the whole day, trying to bite him, while she laughed at him with the Dursleys.

Y/N sat on the stairs, sighing in annoyance, receiving a glare from Petunia.

And then, they heard footsteps from outside, and the door suddenly opened.

Marge Dursley stood tall on the door, with her ugly dog in her arms, looking exactly like Y/N remembered her.

Y/N: Ugly and fat as always, I see. Do you even change your clothes, sometimes? You were wearing this exact clothes the last two times you came too. Disgusting.
He thought.

Marge: Where's my Dudders?
She said.
That was the first thing she asked.

Petunia: He's in the Kitchen.
She said, smiling, as she hugged her.

But Marge wasn't looking at Dudley.
Her eyes were fixed on the twins.
She looked at them, utterly disgusted, as if she had just stepped on dog poop.

Marge: Are you two still here?
She asked.

Y/N: Oh, trust me, I wouldn't have been here to see that ugly face of yours, if your brother and his wife hadn't forced me to.
He spat venomously, as Harry looked at him in shock.

She gritted her teeth.
Marge: You little-
Sh ewas about to say, but Y/N cut her off.

Y/N: And where do we have to be, anyway? I'm not going to hug you. There's no way in hell I'm going to do that.
He said, as he glared back at her, disgusted by that thought.

Marge: I don't like your tone, you brat. Take my bag to my room.
She ordered, as she threw her luggage on him, making him stumble and fall on the ground, before heading to the kitchen to squeeze Dudley.

Y/N kicked the bag away angrily, as he got up, and stormed upstairs, followed by Harry.

Y/N got in her room, and threw her bag on her bed.
Y/N: This ugly Hag!
He spat venomously.

Harry tried to calm him down.
Harry: Come on, Y/N, it's just a week. After slaying a Basilisk, waiting for a week shouldn't be that hard, right?
He said, trying to cheer him up.

But Y/N looked at him.
Y/N: Harry... You're not helping.
He said, trying not to laugh.

Harry smiled sheepishly.
Harry: Sorry about that.
He said.

Y/N sighed again.
Y/N: I swear, if she says something she doesn't have to say, I swear, I'm going to make her pay.
He said.

Harry: Let's go, or they'll think we're contacting 30 wizards to blow the house up.
He said, chuckling.

Y/N laughed.
Y/N: 30? Too much, Harry. There's no need. I can do it alone.
He said, as he headed towards the door.

Y/N: And trust me, it would be better than looking at fireworks.
758 words.

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