•Bad News•

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Y/N looked at Lupin, his mouth agape in shock.
Y/N: How did you...?
He asked, looking at him.

Lupin laughed at his reaction.
Lupin: Y/N, there's still a lot you have to learn. The classroom you're using is just above my office. I've heard you shout incantations for the last few weeks. And you even scared some First Years. They thought there was some kind of monster inside that classroom.
He said.

Y/N facepalmed.
Lupin: So? Mind explaining?
He asked.

Y/N sighed in defeat.
Y/N: I've been trying to create a spell.
He confessed.

Lupin looked at him.
Y/N wasn't able to read his expression.
It was a mixture of pride and amusement.

Lupin: Are you serious? Is that what you were really doing up there?
He asked, raising his brow.

Y/N nodded, and then passed him the piece of parchment in which he had wrote the Spell's name and effects.

Lupin took and read it a few times, before looking at Y/N.

Lupin: Who told you to do this?
He inquired, raising a brow.

Y/N: No one. I just followed Professor Flitwick's advice. I did it on my own free will. No one forced me to do this.
He said.

Lupin: I see...
He said.

Y/N looked at him, panicking.
Y/N: Please, sir, don't tell anyone!
He pleaded.

Lupin chuckled.
Lupin: Calm down, Y/N. I won't tell anyone.
He said.

Y/N sighed in relief.
Lupin: But I want you to let me see this spell once you've perfectioned it.
He said.

Y/N smiled.
Y/N: Thanks. I will!
He said.

Some months went by, since that day.
He had made quite the progress with his spell, and he was proud to say that it was almost complete.

He was now fully capable of summoning the blue flames, but whenever he used them on the quill, he just set it on fire, but he could not destroy it yet.

But that wasn't going to stop him.
He knew the spell was near perfection, so that morning, he decided to go back to the Common Room, after another sleepless night passed practicing.

He saw Harry,  Ron and Hermione sitting by the window, chatting.

Well, he couldn't blame them.
They had finished their exams some days ago, and they were finally able to chat without worrying about homeworks.

However, something in their expressions made Y/N worry.

Something wasn't right.

Y/N: Guys, what's going on?
He asked.

They looked at each other, and then at Y/N.
Hermione: Y/N... Hagrid just sent us a message.
Hermione said cautiously.

Y/N paled.
He shook his head.

Y/N: No. I just refuse to believe it.
He said, shaking his head.

Hermione: They will sentence Buckbeak today at Sunset. He wrote us not to go. He doesn't want us to see it.
She said.

Y/N clenched his fists.
Y/N: Screw it all. I can't leave him alone in a moment like this. I'll go to his hut this afternoon.
He said.

Harry got up.
Harry: He's right. I'll go too.
He said, putting a reassuring hand on his twin's shoulder.

Ron&Hermione: Don't forget about us.
545 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝘇𝗸𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗻 | Harry Potter x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now