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Y/N had enough.
He was done.
Divination was just a bunch of nonsense all made up by that idiotic teacher.

There was no way he would have wasted his time learning such bullshit.

There were lots of more important things to learn.

Since he had a free hour, he went to the library. He couldn't find Hermione anywhere, so he just went alone.

He had finally decided to search for spells that concerned fire.

More importantly, Blue Fire.

The fact that he could generate Blue Fire whenever he had a Magical Outburst had always intrigued him.

He always thought it was some kind of speel, but he had never really bothered to search for it.

But now, he really wanted to know.
He sat at one of the tables, surrounding himself with some books about fire spells, and fire in general, and sterted flipping thought their pages.

But non of them mentioned Blue Flames.
Not even once.

By the end of that hour, he was quite disappointed.

It was the first time he couldn't find an answer to his questions.

He had checked every single book he could find, but nothing.

He sighed, as he collected his things, and headed to his next lesson, which happened to be Charms.

Y/N: That's it. I'll ask Flitwick.
He muttered to himself, after entering the classroom.

After passing the next hour successfully learning the Freezing Charm, he patiently waited for everyone to leave.

He then walked towards Flitwick.
Y/N: Professor, can I ask you a question?
He asked.

Flitwick smiled at him.
Flitwick: Sure, Potter. Go on.
He said.

Y/N smiled back at him.
Y/N: Are there any spells able to generate Blue Flames?
He asked.

Flitwick looked deep in thought.
Flitwick: There are many spells used to create ofr manipulate fire... But, Blue Flames...? No. There aren't any spells that can generate Blue Flames. At least, I know no spell that can do such thing.
He said.

Y/N: Is that so?
He asked, a bit taken aback.

Flitwick looked at him.
Flitwick: Why do you want to know, Potter? I hope you don't wish to set the School on fire!
He said.

Y/N laughed.
Y/N: Of course not, sir. It's just... I've been experiencing Magical Outbursts, as Professor Dumbledore calls them. When that happens, I'm able to generate Blue Flames, but I always thought it was some kind of spell. I spent an hour in the library, checking every book that mentioned fire spells, or just fire in general, but none of them mentioned Blue Flames.
He said.

Flitwick: That's quite impressive, Potter. But why did you want to know more about it?
He asked.

Y/N: Well, since I thought it was a spell, I thought that I could've learnt it, and then... Learn how to control my Magical Outbursts.
He said.

Flitwick nodded.
Flitwick: I see... Potter, have you ever thought about creating your own spell?
498 Words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝘇𝗸𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗻 | Harry Potter x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now