•A Last Chat With Lupin•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
The next day, Harry and Y/N discovered that Lupin was about to leave, so they both went to his office, just in time to see him putting the last things inside his luggage.

Y/N: So you're really leaving.
He muttered.

Lupin: Well... Snape did enjoy a little bit too much telling the Prophet I'm a werewolf. And of course, no one wants a werewolf as a teacher for their kids.
He said, chuckling bitterly.

Harry: But... You can't leave! You're the best teacher we've got so far!
He said.

Lupin: I'm really sorry, Harry, but unfortunately it doesn't depend on me.
He said.

Y/N didn't say a word.
He didn't even look at him.
He was on the verge of tears, but did his best not to cry.

Lupin: I've heard you two have conjured two perfect patronuses. I'm really proud of you.
He said, smiling.

Harry smiled brightly at him.
Lupin put a hand on his shoulder.

Lupin: Harry, can you leave us alone for a moment? I want to have a word with Y/N.
He whispered.

Harry nodded, and then left the room.
Lupin looked at Y/N.

Lupin: I know you've completed your spell, Y/N. Do you mind showing it to me?
He asked.

Y/N slowly nodded.

He took a piece of crumpled paper from his pocket, and put it on the desk.

Y/N: Interitus!
He said, setting it on fire, and turning it to ashes.

Lupin smiled brightly.
Lupin: Y/N, that's awesome!
He said joyfully.

But Y/N couldn't take it anymore, and then, he burst in tears.

Lupin pulled the boy in a hug.
Y/N: I don't want you to leave! I... I don't want to lose you again!
He cried.

Lupin chuckled a little, as he ruffled his hair.
Lupin: Aw, come on, don't cry, Y/N. I'm not gonna leave you. Mainly because I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I ever did that. But worry not. I'll always be here for you. And I want you to write me once a week at least, ok?
He said.

Y/N: I'll do it.
He said.

Lupin smiled softly.
Lupin: Also... Y/N, don't call me Professor Lupin. Just call me Remus, or even Moony if you feel more comfortable with it.
He said.

Y/N looked up at him, nodding.
Lupin: Your parents would be really proud of both of you.
He said.

Y/N couldn't help but smile a little.

Lupin then took out a piece of parchment from his pocket and handed it to Y/N.

He took it and read it.

Y/N: 'I, Remus J. Lupin, as Y/N Albus Potter's Godfather, give him permission to visit Hogsmeade during the trips organized by the school.'
He read.

His eyes lit up.
Y/N: Thank you...
He said.

Lupin smiled.
Lupin: You're welcome. Well, I guess it's time for me to go, now. Y/N, I'm really proud to be your Godfather. I hope we'll see each other soon.
He said.

He then moved a strand of Y/N's hair, kissing his forehead, before leaving.
529 words.

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