•A Summer To Remember•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Y/N left Lupin's now empty office, and headed to McGonagall's office.

When he arrived, he knocked on the door, and waited.

McGonagall: Come in.
He stern voice said.

Y/N opened the door and got in, closing it behind himself.

She looked at him.
McGonagall: Oh, it's you Potter. I met your brother just a few moments ago. To what do I owe the pleasure?
She asked raising her brow.

Y/N gave her the piece of parchment Lupin had just given him.

Y/N: Here. Is this enough to allow me to visit Hogsmeade, next year?
He asked.

She inspected it, and then looked at him.
McGonagall: Yes. This should suffice.
She said, putting it inside a drawer.

McGonagall: Potter, I'm sorry for not telling you or your brother who your Godfathers were.
She apologized.

Y/N looked at her, smiling.
Y/N: There's no need to apologize, Professor. I understand.
He said, as she nodded.

Then, a smirk spread all over her face.

McGonagall: You know, Potter, I've heard that you've created your own spell.
She said.

Y/N let out a chuckle.
Y/N: News sure spread very fast here at Hogwarts, huh?
He said, laughing.

McGonagall: I don't know what or who pushed to the point of doing such thing, but trust me, I'm really proud to hear that one of my students did such thing. Not only Slytherin has Clever wizards.
She said, proudly.

Y/N smiled at her.

McGonagall: I really hope to see that spell in action, one day.
She said.

Y/N: I'll show you, some day...
He said.

Later that day, Harry met up with Y/N, and they both headed to the Great Hall.

Once they arrived at Gryffindor's table, Ron looked at Harry.

Ron: Sorry, but I couldn't restrain myself.
He said, as he pointed his finger to a broom, which was on the table.

Harry's eyes gleamed upon seeing that.

He read the note on the package, and then, he smiled brightly.

Y/N looked at the broom, and couldn't help but smile too.

It was a Firebolt.
The best broom in the whole world.

Ron: Harry, You'll let me try it right?
He asked, hesitantly.

Harry grinned.
Harry: Not before I do!
He said.

He grabbed the broom, and they all went outside in the countryard.

Harry mounted on the broom, while Y/N looked at him with a smile.

Harry then left the ground, flying up in the blue sky, as everyone cheered for him, and Y/N couldn't help to do the same.

It had been a complicated year for everyone, and many things had changed.

But in the end, everything had developed for the better.

He smiled to himself, as he turned around, and walked back inside the castle, his hands in his pockets.

That was surely going to be a summer he would've remembered for the rest of his life.
492 words.

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