•Lessons With Lupin•

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After the Christmas Holidays came to an end, the Quartet was having a hard time.

Ever since the Twins discovered that Black was Harry's Godfather, they started to pass time with Ron and Hermione more rarely.

But the situation between Ron and Hermione wasn't that good either, since they were constantly fighting, since Crookshanks was attacking Scabbers non-stop.

One evening, the Twins headed to Lupin's office, to finally begin with their Anti-Dementor lessons.

Lupin: Before we begin, are you 100% sure you want to do this? As you already know, it's advanced magic. It's above O.W.L. level, and believe me, not many adult wizards can perform it.
He said, as they were getting ready.

Harry and Y/N both nodded furiously. Lupin smirked.

Lupin: Very well. I expected no less. Now, please, took your wands out and get ready.
He said, as he walked towards a chest near his desk.

The Twins did as Lupin said, and waited patiently.
Lupin then looked at them.

Lupin: Let's review the Incantation. Repeat after me: Expecto Patronum.
Lupin said.

Harry&Y/N: Expecto Patronum.
They both repeated.

Lupin nodded.
Lupin: Good. Now, I want you to recall your happiest memory. Focus on it as much as you can.
He said.

The Twins closed their eyes, focusing.

Y/N: My happiest memory... What is it...?
He thought.

After some minutes, he finally opened his eyes. He had finally decided.

He was very happy when Hagrid had came back, the previous year.
Harry was ready too.

Lupin: Are you ready?
He asked.

They both nodded.
Harry:That's not a real Dementor, right?
He asked.

Lupin: Oh, no. That's just a boggart.
He said.

Y/N tensed up a little.

Lupin: Alright. I'll now count to three.
He said.

The Twins got in position, with Y/N slightly behind Harry.
He didn't want to make the boggart explode again.

Lupin: 3...2...1...GO!
He yelled, as he kicked the chest open.

A tall Dementor rose out of it.
The entire room suddenly became cold.
Harry and Y/N tried their best to focus as hard as they could on their memory.

Harry&Y/N: Expecto Patronum!
They both shouted.

But nothing came out of their wands, and as a result, they couldn't fight the Dementor back, and fainted.

When they opened their eyes again, they both were on the ground.

Lupin kneeled in front of them, and passed them some chocolate.

Y/N was quite embarrassed, but still gladly took the chocolate.

Lupin: It's not like I did expect you to successfully summon a Patronus on your first try. That would have been quite impressive. Just to know, what memory did you choose?
He asked.

Harry: The first time I flew on a broom.
He said.

Y/N: Hagrid's return last year.
He muttered.

Lupin shook his head.
Lupin: No, no, those memories aren't happy enough! You need to find your happiest memory.
He said sternly.

Harry: I thought it would've worked.
He said.

Lupin shook his head.
Lupin: No Harry, that was not enough.
He said.

Y/N got up.
They both looked at him.

They could se the determination all over his face, and Harry couldn't help but smile.

Harry: And here's when Y/N will give his all.
He thought, smiling.

Y/N smiled.
Y/N: Let's do it again.
563 words.

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