•Some Time With Lupin•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Lupin looked at everyone, smiling apologetically.
Lupin: I'm sorry, but Today's lesson is over. See you next time, everyone!
He said.

Y/N got up, and grabbed his bag, ready to leave. However, Lupin grabbed his arm, stopping him.

Lupin made sure everyone had left, and then looked at Y/N, who didn't refused to look at him.

Lupin: Y/N, are you ok?
He asked.

Y/N didn't say a word.
He slowly nodded.

Lupin turned him around.
Y/N looked at him, tears streaming down his eyes.

Lupin: Y/N-
He was about to say, but Y/N cut him off.

Y/N: I'm sorry. I messed everything up.
He said.

Lupin shook his head.
Lupin: Don't be, Y/N. I think it's just normal for someone to react like that upon seeing an important person in that state.
He said, trying to comfort him.

Y/N: I didn't mean to blow it up.
He said, running a hand across his hair.
Lupin: We'll, it was something worth seeing.
He said, chuckling.

He wiped away Y/N's tears.
Lupin: Y/N, everything's ok. There's no need to cry. Seeing you like that pains me. If you ever need to talk to someone, feel free to do it with me. I'll be more than happy to help you.
He said, smiling.

Y/N slowly nodded.
He gave Lupin a smile.
Y/N: Thank you, Professor. I feel better, now.
He said.

Lupin: I'm glad to hear that. Now go, or you'll be late!
He said, dismissing him.

Y/N nodded, leaving the room.

With Halloween and the first Quidditch Match of the Season getting nearer, the School had organized a trip to Hogsmeade.

Unfortunately, the twins didn't have their permissions signed, and even McGonagall refused to sign them, so, while everyone would enjoy themselves, they were both stuck at the castle.

They bid Ron and Hermione goodbye, and then Harry went back to the Common room, while Y/N went for a walk.

He was deep in thought, when he bumped into something.
Or rather, Someone.

Y/N: Oh, sorry.
He muttered.

Looking up, he saw Lupin, smiling at him.
Lupin: Oh, it's you, Y/N. I thought you were at Hogsmeade.
He said.

Y/N shook his head.
Y/N: My uncle didn't sign my permission, so I'm stuck here.
He muttered gloomly.

Lupin: Is that so? How about we go for a walk together, then?
He asked.

Y/N: Well, it's not like I've got something better to do, so... Yeah, why not?
He said.

They walked together for a while, enjoying each other's company.

The more time he spent with Lupin, the more Y/N felt attached to him. He just couldn't explain why, but it just happened.

Y/N: Well, I think I'll be going, now.
He muttered, a while later.

He bid Lupin Goodbye, and went back to the common room.

He thought about practicing some spells, but then he realized that he had already memorized almost every spell in their book, so there was no point in doing it.

Y/N chuckled, as he remembered the face Ron made when he discovered that.

As he walked through the corridors, he couldn't help but smile. Hogwarts was full of Halloween decorations.

It was funny to see First Years get scared because of the bats.

He went past the Portrait, and saw Harry, sitting all alone in a corner, surrounded by books.

He walked up to him, and sat in the empty armchair near him.
Harry looked at him.

Harry: Hey, Y/N, would you mind helping me with my homeworks? I can't understand some of the things...
He muttered.

Y/N: Sure.
He said.

Snowball then appeared out of nowhere, and leapt on Y/N's lap.

Y/N: Hey there.
He said, as he started petting her, making her purr loudly.

They both laughed, before focusing on Harry's homeworks.

Once they were done, they sat closer to the fireplace.

Harry looked at Y/N, who was looking at Snowball, smiling.

Harry: Hey, Y/N...
He said.
Y/N: Yeah?
He asked, still looking at Snowball.

Harry: About that Boggart...
He said, but Y/N looked away.

Y/N: What about it?
He asked slowly.

Harry: Well... It's... Nothing, really. I'm not worried about the form it took. Actually, I'm worried about what happened next.
He said.

Y/N didn't say a word.

Harry slowly took his hand.
Harry: Y/N, look at me.
He said.

Y/N slowly turned around.
Harry: They're starting to be more difficult to control, aren't they? Your Magical Outbursts.
He said.

Y/N: It's not that... I...
He said, but suddenly stopped.

Harry looked at him.
Y/N took a deep breath.

Y/N: Lupin didn't really want us to fight that Boggart. He told me when we were walking together. He was worried it would've turned into Voldemort.
He said.

Harry could hear the disappointment in his twin's voice, and he had to admit he was a little disappointed too.

Harry&Y/N: Does he really think I'm scared of Voldemort?
They both said at the same time.

They blinked a few times, before laughing.

Y/N: I'm scared.
He suddenly said.

Harry looked at him.
It was very rare to hear Y/N say that.

Y/N: After what happened last year with that Basilisk... After you got petrified... I just can't shake these thoughts away from my mind. I know we're both different since when we were kids, and you don't really need to rely on me, since you're able to defend yourself but... I almost lost you. I... I don't want that to happen again.
He slowly said, looking away.

Harry: Y/N, you always push yourself to the limit to help everyone around you. You've always been by my side, and even got beaten to save me. But tell me, if you're busy helping everyone else, who will help you?
1000 words.

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