•The Marauder's Map•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
In the end, Madame Pomfrey forced the twins to stay in the Hospital Wing for the whole weekend.

When she finally let them go, they headed straight to their Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson.

Lupin was finally back, and the twins couldn't be more happy.

They all complained about Snape's assignment, and Lupin told them they didn't have to hand it in, to everyone's relief.

The lesson was interesting as always, and when it was finally over, Harry and Y/N were walking with Lupin outside.

Harry then finally decided to speak.
Harry: Say, Professor... Why do the Dementors have such a powerful effect on us? We're the only ones passing out, and it's starting to get embarrassing.
He said.

Lupin looked at them.
Lupin: You see, Dementors bring back to the surface the horrors of a person's past. Your past is full of horror, Harry, Y/N. That's why they have such an effect on you.
He explained.

Y/N sighed.
Y/N: Professor, I'll go straight to business. Can you teach us the Patronus Charm?
He asked, not even blinking.

Lupin looked at him, truly impressed.
Lupin: How do you know about it?
He asked.

Y/N: I did some research in the Library. It's the only known spell that can repel a Dementor. At least that's what the book said. I can't understand it that well, though.
He said.

Lupin beamed at him.
Lupin: Well, I have to admit you really surprised me. Not many Third Years know the Patronus Charm. Very well then. I'll teach you this spell. I'm afraid, however. We'll have to begin after the Holidays.
He said.

The twins smiled brightly at him.
Harry&Y/N: Thank you!
They both said in unison.

Some days went by.
Christmas was getting nearer and nearer: the castle was now full of Christmas decorations, and during the week before Christmas, the school had organized another trip to Hogsmeade.

But this time, the twins had decided to use Harry's Cloak to sneak outside and go to Hogsmeade with everyone else.

Hermione wasn't ok with that idea, and tried her best to make them rethink about it, but to no avail.

They weren't going to change their minds so easily.

Y/N: Hermione, leave us alone, alright? You've already seen Hogsmeade, and no matter how much you tried to fake it, you really enjoyed it. Why can't we see it too?
He said fiercely, after she tried to persuade them for the 5th day in a row.

Hermione: Can't you understand it's dangerous?
She said.

Y/N: Hermione, I know lots of spells to defend myself, ok? That's why I spend so much time inside that damn library.
He said.

She got up and left, not even bidding them goodnight.

It was finally the day, and the twins were about to sneak outside, when Fred and George tackled them on the ground, and then pulled them both in an empty classroom.

Harry pulled the Cloak away, and glared at them.

Harry: What are you doing?!
He hissed fiercely.

Fred: Woah, calm down Harry. Getting angry is just going to blow that brain of yours. It's not healthy. We just wanted to give you this.
He said, as he handed them a large piece of parchment.

It looked very old and worthless.

Harry&Y/N: What's this thing?
They both said, looking at it.

Fred and George looked at them as if they had just committed the worst sin in the world.

Fred: This thing...!
He said, repeating their words, as he dramatically clutched his chest, deeply hurt.

George: This thing is the secret behind our success! It taught us more things than the Teacher did.
He said.

They then proceeded to explain to them how it worked.

When they activated it, Harry and Y/N's Jaws dropped in shock.

It was a fully detailed map of the Hogwarts castle and of its surroundings. It also showed many shortcuts and secret passages, even people, moving around.

George smirked.
George: So? What do you think about it? Isn't it cool?
He asked.

They both nodded furiously.
Fred: Always remember to deactivate it, when you're done, or else everyone can read it.
He said, as he took his wand out, and pointed it to the map.

Fred: Mischief Menaged!
He said, as the map returned to its previous form.

Y/N just looked at it in awe.
Y/N: Will you really give such a precious thing to us?
He asked.

Fred patted his head.
Fred: It really pains us to give it to you, but you need it more than we do. We already memorized it.
He said.

Harry and Y/N looked at him.
They smiled thankfully.
Harry&Y/N: Thank you.
798 words.

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