•Fat Lady On The Loose•

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Y/N looked at Harry, his heart beating faster than he had expected.

Y/N: Why is this happening all of a sudden? And why is my heart pounding in my chest like this? What do you mean?
He asked.

Harry: You heard me, Y/N. If you protect others, who's going to protect you?
He asked.

Y/N: I can protect myself too.
He said defensively.

Harry sighed.
Harry: You're a total idiot, sometimes. You may be stubborn, but I'm more stubborn than you. That's why, from today on, I'll protect you, whether you want it or not.
He said.

Y/N sighed, but he had no time to argue. Hermione and Ron were back.

They tried their best to act normally, but it was as clear as day they had enjoyed that trip a lot.

They told them everything they did, and explained them everything about all the places they had seen.

Y/N just nodded, not saying a word.
He didn't really care about what they had done.

Then, they all headed to the Great Hall for the Halloween Feast.

They sat by the table, and watched the ghosts perform some kind of show, before starting to eat.

Everyone started to chat, and the subject of every conversation was the same.


Y/N gloomly looked at the food in his plate.
Y/N: And there goes my appetite. Thank you all.
He thought, as he put his fork down and just stared at the food in front of him.

The evening seemed longer than ever, and Y/N was really happy when the banquet finally came to an end.

He got up, as they all walked to the Gryffindor tower.

However, once they got there, they saw a Horde of Students, all gathered in front of the Fat Lady's Portrait.

Y/N: Why aren't they going inside?
He thought.

That's when Percy finally arrived.
Percy: What's all this commotion?
He said, but everyone just ignored him.

Percy started to head towards the portrait.
Percy: Move, I'm Headboy!
He said, as he made his way through the crowd.

But once he saw the portrait, he paled.
Y/N took some steps forward to look at it, and had the same reaction.

There was a big slash on the canvas, and the Fat Lady was gone.

That's why everyone was out there.
Without her, the Portrait was closed.

Percy: Someone, please, go and call Professor Dumbledore immediately!
He said, trying to hide the panic in his voice.

Soon after, Dumbledore arrived, followed by McGonagall and Snape.
Dumbledore: May I look at it?
He asked, as everyone moved to the side to let him look at the Portrait.

He was examining it, when someone pointed their finger to a nearby portrait.

They all ran towards it, following Dumbledore.

And there she was.
She was all dirty and covered in mud.
Her clothes were all ripped, and she even had leaves and small branches stuck in her hair.

The Fat Lady was hiding behind a Donkey.

Dumbledore: My dear, could you kindly tell us what happened?
He asked.

She gave him a terrified face.
She gulped.

Fat Lady: That face... Those black eyes...
She said, just shivering at the thought.

Y/N looked at her.
He couldn't explain why, but deep inside his heart, he knew what she was about to say.
He had the feeling he knew who she was referring to.

Snape: Could you please explain?
He asked.

Fat Lady: It was him, Professor. Sirius Black!
She squeaked in horror.

Y/N's eyes widened.
Y/N: He was here...
He thought.

It took everyone a few seconds to realize what had just happened.

Panic spread through the crowd, and everyone started screaming in horror.
Dumbledore: CALM DOWN, ALL OF YOU!
He roared, shutting everyone up.

Dumbledore: We all need to stay calm. Minerva, Severus, search the castle. Percy, you too. If he's still here, we'll catch him for sure.
665 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝘇𝗸𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗻 | Harry Potter x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now