•Annoying Days•

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All the Gryffindor were then moved to the Great Hall for the night, as the teachers, the prefects and Dumbledore searched the school, hoping to catch Black.

Y/N was laying down, between Ron and Harry. Students were chatting about what had happened, however, Y/N was lost in his thoughts.

Y/N: I wonder how did he menage to get inside the school. There are Dementors everywhere, and Flitwick even uses really complex spells to lock the door, so how did he? The only way I can think of is that he may have received help from the inside, but even if this was true... Who would help a mass murder get inside the castle?
He thought.

Around midnight, he finally menaged to sleep a little, even if he kept waking up with the slightest noise.

The next day, it took Dumbledore the whole morning to convince the Fat Lady to retake her place, but she agreed in the end.

Even if they searched the whole castle many times during the night, they still didn't menage to catch Black.

However, the next days wouldn't have been quite pleasant, for the twins.

They were put under strict surveillance. Teachers even found the stupidest excuses just to follow them around.

One day, it was Flitwick's turn to watch over them, and Y/N let out a sigh.

Y/N: This is just unnecessary and stupid. Do they think Sirius Black will jump on us from behind a corner?
He thought.

But even if they had to go through that, Y/N didn't really care.

He was more than happy, since his arm had now completely recovered.

As days went by, the Quidditch Match was getting nearer and nearer.

Things however didn't go as planned.

The match should've been Gryffindor vs Slytherin, but Malfoy came out with an excuse, so the Gryffindors had now to face the Hafflepuffs.

Hafflepuff's seeker was Cedric Diggory, an handsome Sixth Year admired and liked by everyone.

But that was not Y/N's case. He personally thought he was just a brainless idiot, but everyone in the school seemed to see him as the perfect being, and so, he decided to keep his opinions for himself.

Even if he despised him with all his heart, he couldn't help but to admit that he was quite skilled at Quidditch.

Y/N: Not like Harry, who's 100 times better than you, stupid Diggory.
He kept thinking to himself.

Harry was getting more anxious day by day, and all their homeworks weren't really helping.
So, after Quidditch Practice, grumpier than ever, Harry sat down in the common room and did his homeworks, mostly copying from Y/N's, who gladly gave them to him.

Hermione: Y/N, you're not helping him, like that.
She said in disappointment, one evening.

Y/N looked at her, unfazed.
Y/N: Hermione, do you think I care? You're free to do whatever you want with your homeworks. However, these are mine, so I'm the one who decides what to do with them.
He said, as Harry smiled thankfully.

Ron smirked at Hermione.
Ron: And he shut you up.
He said. Hermione punched their arms.
Hermione: Idiots.
She muttered, going away.

But even with all those homeworks, and the excitement they all had for the Quidditch Match, Lupin's lessons were still liked by everyone.

That day, they had another lesson with Lupin, much to Y/N's joy.

He and Harry were late, so they rushed through the corridor as fast as they could.
They then opened the door and got in.

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