•Many Explanations•

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Hermione turned the small hourglass for three times.

Y/N's eyes widened, as he looked around.

Everything around them started to become blurry, as they saw Ron disappear, and the sunlight filled the Hospital Wing.

Then, everything came back to normal.
The twins were rather shocked.

Harry: What's going on? And how has that even happened?
He asked.

Hermione sighed.
Hermione: I'll tell you while we walk. Y/N, I need you to use the Bracelet.
She said.

Y/N nodded, as the other two put a hand on his shoulders.

He touched the blue gemstone, and they all vanished.

Hermione looked at them.
Hermione: Let's go to Hagrid's hut.
She stated.

They nodded, and then rushed outside.

Y/N: Hermione, can you kindly tell me what the fuck is going on?
He asked, as they reached Hagrid's hut.

They hid behind some trees, not too far away from Buckbeak, who, surprisingly, was there, rasping the ground nervously.

Hermione sighed.
Hermione: Alright. I'll tell you.
She said.

Y/N rolled his eyes.
Y/N: Well, thank you.
He said.

She glared at him.

Hermione: That thing I used was a Time Turner. It's used to go back in time. That's how I was bale to follow every lesson this year. And now I kind of understand why Dumbledore told me to turn it three times. We're just a few moments before Buckbeak's execution. He wants us to save him too. We can't be seen.
She said.

Harry: Well, this is messed up.
He stated.

She sighed.
Hermione: I know, Harry.
She said.

Y/N: And we're invisible, so no one will be able to see us anyway.
He pointed out.

Hermione: Well, it would be strange to see a rope cut itself, wouldn't it?
She said.

He sighed too.
Y/N: You're right.
He muttered.

Hermione: We just have to wait for them to at least see that he's still there. Then, we'll free him.
She said.

The twins nodded, and waited patiently.

Then, three figures started approaching the hut. They then saw themselves leave.

Y/N: I'd never thought I would see myself run away.
He stated, as the three people got in.

Executioner: Where's the beast?
He asked rather loudly and roughly.

Hagrid: Outside.
He said, his voice shaking.

The man looked outside, where Buckbeak stood.

He then got back inside, where one of the others started to read something.

Y/N immediately recognized his voice.
Y/N: That's Fudge.
He stated.

Hermione: I think it's time. Let's be quick.
She said.

Y/N and Harry nodded.

He started to walk towards Buckbeak, followed by Harry and Hermione.

The Hippogrif turned his head towards him.

Y/N: Wait, he can see us?
He whispered to the other two.

They both shrugged.
Y/N approached him.

Y/N: Hey there, Beaky.
He said, petting him.

He then tried to free him, but the rope was tied too tightly.

Hermione: Hurry up! They're done reading!
She whisper shouted.

Y/N sighed.
Y/N: Well, we can say goodbye to my surprise.
He muttered, as he took his wand out, and pointed it at the rope.

Y/N: Interitus!
He said, as the rope was burned to ashes.

Harry and Hermione looked at him, their mouths hanging slightly open.

Hermione: What-
She was about to say, but Y/N cut her off.

Y/N: There's no time, Hurry up!
572 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝘇𝗸𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗻 | Harry Potter x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now