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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Fudge turned around, and looked at them, smiling brightly.

Fudge: Harry, Y/N, it's a pleasure to finally meet you.
He said.

They both looked at him.
Harry then looked at Y/N, who had a nervous expression.

He slowly grabbed his hand, squeezing it lightly.

Fudge: I'm Cornelius Fudge.
He said, introducing himself.

Y/N: I already know you.
He said.

Fudge looked at him, a bit surprised, but quickly regained his composure.

Fudge: O-Oh... Very well. I suppose you'll be happy to know that we menaged to bring your aunt back to the ground safely.
He said happily.

But Y/N wasn't too happy to hear that.
Just hearing the mention of Marge Dursley made his blood boil with rage.

Harry: She's not our aunt.
He said.

Y/N: Yeah, I'd rather kill myself than being his nephew.
He muttered darkly.

Fudge chuckled awkwardly.
Fudge: Y-Yes, I'm aware of that. But why did you leave the house? You got us all worried.
He asked.

Y/N raised a brow.
Y/N: Great. They worry about us running away from that hell of a place, but they don't care if those things that like seeing themselves as humans treat us like dirt? Well, how encouraging. Truly encouraging.
He thought angrily, as he desperately held back from shouting those words, and all his thoughts to Fudge's face.

Fudge: But that doesn't matter, now that you're safe here. I want you, however, to promise me that you will not go in the Muggle London. It's ok, as long as you stay in Diagon Alley. Oh, and I asked Tom to bring your new books here.
He said, as he pointed his finger towards two stacks of books.

Y/N looked at him.
Y/N: Listen here, if you have to expel me, make it quickly.
He said.

Fudge looked at him in confusion.
Fudge: Expel you? What are you talking about, Y/N?
He asked.

Y/N: Is he stupid, or he just pretends to be? Aren't you going to expel me for making that Hag inflate and fly away?
He asked.

Fudge laughed.
Fudge: Oh, Y/N, of course not! It can happen to anyone, to end up inflating their aunt!
He said.

Y/N just nodded, without saying a word.
Harry: Any news about Black, Minister?
He asked.

Fudge looked at him, a bit taken aback.
Fudge: Nothing. It's been almost three months now, but we still don't know where he is, or where he might be hiding.
He said.

Y/N looked at him. Something, deep inside him, told him that Fudge wasn't being completely honest with them.

Y/N: This idiot's hiding something for sure.
He thought.

Fudge: Very well. You can go. Tom will lead you to your room.
He said.

Tom nodded, bowing a little.

Tom: Please, follow me.
He said, roughly pulling Y/N away.

Y/N sighed.
Y/N: Why am I always the one who's being carried around and not Harry?
He thought, as Tom led them to a room upstairs.

Tom bowed again, before leaving, closing the door.

Y/N sighed.
Y/N: They're unfair.
He said, and Harry knew exactly what he was talking about.

Y/N: They don't even care if they treat us like dirt.
He said angrily, as he looked away.

Harry: I agree. They're just forcing their eyes shut, pretending not to see. And your face while Tom carried you upstairs was just hilarious.
He said.

Y/N's eye twitched.

Y/N: Alright. Let's drop this topic, or I might end up destroying something.
He muttered darkly, as Harry chuckled.

Y/N: I'm hungry. Let's go eat something.
618 words.

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