•R. J. Lupin•

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[Thought ]
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Harry, Ron, Hermione and Y/N were currently on the Hogwarts Express.
Y/N let out a sigh.

Y/N: Every compartment is full.
He said in frustration.

Hermione: This one is empty.
She said, leading them into a compartment that seemed apparently empty.

They sat down, but then, they all jumped in surprise, as they saw a guy sleeping in a corner, with a small luggage.

Y/N looked at him in confusion.
Y/N: Wait, what's an adult doing here? I thought the Hogwarts Express was for students only?
He asked.

They all shrugged.
Ron: Who do you reckon he is?
He asked.

Y/N&Hermione: Professor R. J. Lupin.
They both said in unison.

Harry and Ron looked at them, genuinely surprised.
Ron then raised a brow.

Ron: How come you know EVERYTHING?
he asked, both amazed and annoyed at the same time.

Hermione: It's written on his case, Ron.
She said flatly.

Ron blinked a few times.
He then looked at the Luggage beside the man. And Hermione was once again Right.

On the case, the words 'R. J. Lupin' could be seen, even if they were almost completely faded.

Ron: Wait, is he still alive?
He asked.

They all got silent, and looked at Lupin.

For a moment, they all thought he had stopped breathing.

But then they saw his chest going up and down regularly, and sighed in relief.

Hermione: He's alive. Just asleep.
She said.

Harry: Good, because we have to tell you something.
He said, as he closed the door.

He told Ron and Hermione everything about their chat with Mr Weasley at the Leaky Cauldron, while Y/N, who had surprisingly got silent, was absent mindely petting Snowball, as she laid on his lap.

When they were done, they all looked at Y/N.

Hermione: Y/N? Are you ok? You haven't said a word for quite a while, now...
She said.

Y/N was brought back to reality by her voice, and immediately turned to look at them.

He had a very serious face.

Y/N gulped.
His mouth was incredibly dry.

Y/N: I don't know how to explain this... I feel like something's off.
He said.

Just as those words left his mouth, the train suddenly stopped.

They all looked at each other.
Y/N put Snowball back in her cage, and looked at the others.

Hermione: We can't be at Hogwarts already.
She said.

Then, all the lights went out, and the entire compartment suddenly became colder.

Ron looked out of the window.
Ron: Someone got in...
He said, as the window slowly froze.

They all turned around, now looking at the door.

They saw a tall shadow behind it.
That's when the door slowly opened.

On it, stood a very tall hooded figure, so tall it almost touched the ceiling.
It started taking long, slow breaths, as if it was trying to breathe something more than the air itself.

Y/N felt suddenly empty, as if he had just been robbed of all his happiness.

And then, he started hearing ear splitting screams, as his scar started to burn.
The desperate screams of a woman.

He looked at the creature, that was now only a few inches apart from Harry's pained face.

But he decided to ignore that pain, and decided to pretend not to hear those screams, as he did the most irresponsible thing he could've done.

He leapt forward, and pushed Harry out of the way.

The creature turned its attention to him, and lifted him up by his throat, with an ugly rotten hand.

But then, Lupin took his wand out and pointed it to the Creature.

Lupin: None of them is hiding Sirius Black under their cloaks!
He said, as a silver smoke-like thing erupted from the tip of his wand, and chased the creature away.

Y/N fell on the ground.
The woman was still screaming, and his scar was hurting like hell.

He blinked a few times, as everything around him turned black.

All he could hear was Hermione's voice, but it slowly got fainter and fainter, until it totally stopped.

Y/N had passed out.
701 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝘇𝗸𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗻 | Harry Potter x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now