•Too Much•

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The week went by very, very slowly, and the twins had to endure Margie's remarks about them and their parents everyday.

One day, Y/N even burnt himself, while being busy glaring at her.

But that was just nothing.
The worst had still to come.

Harry had surprisingly managed to keep Y/N at bay, but it didn't matter how hard he tried, Y/N just kept getting angrier and angrier.

Harry was genuinely surprised, though. Normally, Y/N would've already snapped, but despite being angry as hell, he still kept his self control.

But it wasn't bound to last for long.

It was currently Margie's last day in Privet Drive. They all ate together, as Vernon and Marge discussed, while she kept drinking brandy non-stop.

But Harry and Y/N weren't interested in their conversation.
Not at the moment anyway.

Marge: So... What school did you say those two attend?
She suddenly asked, after the 10th shot of brandy, as Y/N got up and took his plate and Harry's to the sink.

Vernon: Harry goes to the public school, while the other one goes to St. Brustus' Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys.
He said, obviously lying.

Y/N clenched his fists.

With that, Vernon had just made Y/N look like some kind of Psychopath who liked to torture living beings just for fun.

Marge looked at Y/N.
Marge: Do they beat you there, brat?
She asked, her small eyes fixed on the boy.

Y/N looked at her.

From behind Her, Vernon was gesturing for him to say yes.

Y/N: Oh... Yes. A lot.
He said, as he looked away, out of the window.

It was a beautiful August evening.

Marge: What was their father's job?
She asked.

Vernon and Petunia looked at each other.
Petunia: He... Didn't have a job.
She said.

Marge looked at Y/N once more.
Marge: Oi, brat, are you proud of your father?
She asked, making fun of him.

Y/N glared at her.
Y/N: Say something else, and I swear I'll make you pay for it with your own life, if necessary.
He thought.

Marge looked at Vernon and Petunia.
Marge: It's all the Mother's fault though. It's always like this, even with dogs. If there's something wrong with the mother, there will be something wrong with the puppies too. And having a worthless father doesn't help at all.
She said.

Harry's eyes widened.
Anger started to spread all over his body.
He turned around, looking at Y/N.

And in that exact moment, his anger vanished.
Y/N just stood there, staring blankly at Marge.

The entire room had fallen silent, as they all turned to look at him.

It was as if cold air had filled the room.

Harry was now scared.
But not scared of what the Dursleys could say. He was scared of what Y/N could do.

He could see the cold rage burning in his eyes. The desire to destroy.

The desire to kill.

He had seen that look on his face only once, the previous year, when he almost killed Malfoy by just looking at him.

Harry: This is bad!
He thought.

Y/N: You asshole.
He said, almost whispering.

Marge raised her brow, looking at him.
Marge: I didn't hear you, brat. Is there something you wanted to say?
She asked.

He shouted, as his voice was magically amplified.

Every glass in the room broke apart, making them all flinch.

Y/N: Let it go. Let it all out. I won't keep this anger inside of me no longer.
He thought, as he glared at Marge.

Harry and the Dursley witnessed in Horror, as Marge began to inflate like a balloon.

She started to levitate, flying towards the ceiling.

Y/N had enough.
Shes had just crossed the line.
A line she should've never passed.

He stormed out of the room, and went upstairs, angrily kicking the door open.

Harry followed him, now panicking.
Harry: Y/N, we're screwed!
704 words.

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