•Harry's Recklessness•

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[Thought ]
For the next few days, Y/N kept trying to make the Spell work.

However, the only significant result he was able to achieve, was that now, the number of particles had slightly increased.

He still wasn't able to neither set the quill on fire, nor destroy it, and his practice sessions, that usually lasted hours, were draining his energies.

However, even if he slept regularly, he was still really tired in the morning, and even if he could barely walk or speak because of his tiredness, he was still able to maintain high grades, while helping Harry with his homeworks.

But things were bound to get worse.

In fact, some weeks after Y/N had started practicing his spell, they had received a letter from Hagrid.

Buckbeak had lost the trial, and had been sentenced to death.

The day of the execution had still to be decided, but the quartet couldn't help but feel sad for both Buckbeak and Hagrid.

It was currently evening.
Y/N had just finished his Practice Session, and was heading back to the Common Room, when he saw Harry, Lupin and Snape.

Lupin had the Marauders' Map in his hands.

Y/N: Good evening, Professor Lupin.
He said, ignoring Snape, who glared at him.

Snape: How curious. First I catch your brother out of bed in the middle of the night, and now, I see you wandering in the corridors. I would like to have an explanation, or I'll take you both to the headmaster's office.
He said.

Y/N looked at him.
Y/N: You've got it wrong, sir.
He said, putting some emphasis on the last word.

Y/N: I wasn't wandering in the corridors. I don't see why I should do such a thing in the middle of the night, mind you. I was just in the library, finishing a research. It took me more time than I had expected.
He lied.

Lupin smiled at Snape.
He then turned around, looking at the twins.

Lupin: Good. Severus, it's kinda late. Don't worry, I'll take them to their Common Room. Good night. Harry, Y/N, let's go.
He said, as he dragged the twins away.

But he wasn't leading them to the Common Room.

He was taking them to his office.

Once they were in, he closed the door, and put the map on the desk.
He then looked at them both.

Lupin: Harry, just know I won't cover for you again. What you have done tonight was just reckless and stupid. Do you use your head? Don't you realize this map is dangerous?!
He said.

Harry and Y/N were quite shocked to hear those words.

Harry: How do you know it's a map?
He asked.

Lupin: I used to know the ones who drew it. But that's not important, right now. Harry, I want you to promise me you won't go wandering in the corridors this late.
He said.

Harry sighed.
Harry: I promise. Can I have the map back?
He asked.

Lupin: No, Harry. I can't let you have this back, I'm sorry. It's a dangerous object.
He said.

Harry lowered his head.
Lupin: You can go to the Common Room, Harry. I want to speak to Y/N.
He said.

Harry nodded, heading towards the door.
He then stopped, and turned around.

Harry: Oh, and by the way, that map must be broken.
He said.

Lupin gave him a puzzled look.
Lupin: What are you talking about, Harry?
He asked.

Harry: It showed Peter Pettigrew.
He said.

Lupin and Y/N's eyes widened at those words.

Y/N: It can't be possible. He... He's dead.
He said.

Harry just shrugged, as he left the room.

Lupin was looking at the map, and Y/N did the same.

Then, Lupin looked up, fixing his eyes on Y/N.
He smirked.

Lupin: I have never heard such a stupid lie from a student in my entire career. So, Y/N, why don't you tell me what you've been doing inside that classroom for the last weeks?
680 words.

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