•Inside The Shrieking Shack•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
The eyes belonged to Crookshanks and Snowball.

Y/N looked at the two cats, that swiftly made their way towards the base of the Whomping Willow.

Crookshanks used its pawn to push something on the trunk, and the tree suddenly froze, not moving anymore, as if it was made of stone.

Hermione and Harry looked at the cats.

Snowball purred loudly, as she went near Y/N, waiting for him to pet her.

Hermione: That was... Unexpected.
She said.

Y/N tried his best to get up, but the pain was too much, and he fell again.

Y/N: Damn it.
He said.

He was still bleeding.

He took out his wand, and conjured some bandages, and wrapped them around his waist, trying to stop the bleeding.

Harry rushed towards him.
Harry: What's wrong?
He asked.

Y/N smiled.
Y/N: It's nothing.
He said.

Harry helped him to get up.
Harry: Can you walk?
He asked worriedly.

Y/N nodded.
Y/N: Harry, we should worry about Ron first.
He said.

Harry nodded.
Harry: You're right. We should get a move on.
He said, as Crookshanks and Snowball headed inside the hole under the Whomping Willow.

They followed the cats, even if they had to lower their heads in order to not hit the low ceiling of the passage.

Y/N: Harry! This must be the passage that Fred and George said was impossible to use. The one  under the Whomping Willow!
He said.

Harry blinked a few times.
Harry: Oh, you're right!
He said.

When they finally emerged from the passage, they found themselves in what appeared to be a very old and dusty house.

The walls were full of cracks and there were claw marks, as if some kind of beast had lashed out against them.

The wallpaper was stained in some points and was about to fall off from the wall.

The forniture wasn't in a better state either.

Hermione: I think we're inside the Shrieking Shack.
She said.

There was an unpleasant scent all over the place.

Y/N's eyes fell on the ground, were there was a trail on the dust, as if something, or rather, someone, had been carried towards a room.

They followed it, and found themselves inside a big room, with a four-poster bed against one of the walls.

That's when they spotted Ron, on the ground, his leg twisted in a odd angle.

He looked at them, trembling in horror.

Ron: Guys, Go away! He's an Animagus!
He yelled.

The door behind them suddenly closed with a loud thud, making them jump in surprise.

They turned around, and their eyes widened.

Sirius Black in person stood there, looking at them, with a twisted smile on his face, his hair longer and dirtier than ever, his dull eyes fixed on Harry and Y/N.

He pointed Ron's wand at them.

Sirius: I knew you would have came, Harry, Y/N. I'm extremely grateful you didn't call a teacher. Your father would have done the same for me.
He said in a croaky voice.

They both raised their wands, pointing them at him, but he was quicker.

Sirius: Expelliarmus!
He said, making their wands fly up in the air, before landing in his hands.

Harry looked at him with nothing but fury.
As for Y/N, he had totally lost his mind.

He started chuckling.

Everyone looked at him in confusion, as his chuckle turned into laughter.

Hermione: Y/N, what are you-
She was about to say, but immediately stopped, as Y/N jumped on Black, ignoring the stinging pain in his waist, and the fact that his wound had started to bleed again, and knocked him on the ground.

She gasped in horror.
Y/N, however, smirked triumphantly.

Y/N: I finally got my hands on you. You took my wand? It doesn't matter. I don't need a wand to destroy you!
He shouted in anger, as the nearest window broke apart.

Blue particles started to spread from his body, slowly filling the room, as he got more and more blinded by rage and hatred.

Y/N: You're life ends here.
696 words.

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