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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
The Quartet was walking towards the door, under the Invisibility Cloak.

All they could think of was Buckbeak, and it was finally time for them to go and pay a visit to Hagrid.

Once they left the castle, they pulled the cloak off.

That's when they came across Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle, who were looking at Hagrid's hut, giggling like idiots, as they talked about Buckbeak.

When they heard the Quartet, they turned around, and smirked at them.

Malfoy: This is a great spot to observe that ugly chicken's execution, don't you think?
He said, as Crabbe and Goyle laughed at them.

But Hermione and Y/N had enough.

She pointed her wand to Malfoy's throat, while Y/N pointed his towards both Crabbe and Goyle, his eyes dangerously flickering.

Y/N: I hate scum like you. You're the worst living being on this planet!
He shouted.

Malfoy flinched.
Y/N: Don't you realize this is all your fucking fault?! I'm not in the mood for your shitty jokes, but trust me, you should better watch your mouth, or I swear, I'll turn you three to ashes in this exact moment.
He said fiercely.

The three boys looked at him, shivering.

Ron: Guys, they aren't worth it.
He said, as Harry nodded in agreement.

Hermione lowered her wand, and so did Y/N, making Malfoy sigh in relief.

However, both Hermione and Y/N punched Malfoy, making him and his goons run away.

Ron: Jesus, you two scare the hell out of me, really.
He said, as they walked down the path to Hagrid's hut.

Hermione: I'm more concerned about Y/N telling those idiots he would have turned them to ashes.
She said.

They all looked at Y/N, who sweatdropped.
Hermione: You weren't serious about that, right?
She said, a hint of worry in her voice.

Y/N: Uh... No.
He lied.

Hermione raised her brow, obviously not fully believing his lie, but she still decided not to argue.

Y/N: You bet I was serious. I've just completed that damn spell, and I can't wait to use it!
He thought, as he knocked on the door.

Hagrid opened the door, and looked at them.

He was a mess.
His black mane was all messy, and it was obvious he hadn't slept in a while.

His eyes were all red and puffy.
He had been crying, of course.

Hagrid: I told yeh not to come.
He said.

Y/N scoffed.
Y/N: As if I'd leave you alone at a time like this!
He said.

Hagrid then reluctantly moved aside, letting them in.

They sat by the table, and looked at Hagrid.
Hagrid: I'll make some tea.
He said.

He grabbed the milk carton, but because of his uncontrollable shaking, he spilled it all on the ground.

And that's when everyone gasped in surprise.

To their surprise, Ron's rat, Scabbers, who had gone missing months ago, was now desperately trying to run away.

Ron: Scabbers!
He said, as he caught the rat before it could run away.

That's when they heard some voices, not too far away from the hut.

Hagrid went to look out of the window and paled.

Hagrid: Yeg can't stay here. Yeh'll be in trouble if they find yeh here. Go back to the castle.
He said, as he let them out from the backdoor.

Buckbeak, who was tied to a fence inside Hagrid's Pumpkin patch, was nervously rasping the ground.

He clearly knew something was off.

Y/N looked at him, and tears menaced to fall out of his eyes.

He still refused to believe that Buckbeak deserved all that.

He approached the creature.
Y/N: It will be over soon. Then, you'll be finally free.
He said, his voice trembling, as the Hippogriff looked at him, tilting his head.

Hagrid: Go!
He yelled, as they heard a loud knock on the door.

Y/N paled.
They were there.
660 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝘇𝗸𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗻 | Harry Potter x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now