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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
When Y/N opened his eyes, he was laying on his seat.
He was paler than ever.

Lupin smiled at him, relieved.
Lupin: I'm glad you woke up. Here, take this, it will help.
He said, as he handed him a piece of chocolate.

Y/N gladly accepted it, and bit into it, feeling suddenly warmer than before.

Y/N: What was that thing?
He asked, still shaken at the thought.

Lupin: That was one of Azkaban's Dementors. They're the most repulsive creatures known to Wizardkind. I'm actually impressed you menaged to fight back their powers, even if for just a brief moment.
He said, as Y/N devoured the chocolate.

Y/N: Did... Did any of you pass out?
He asked, as Lupin left.

Hermione: No. Only you and Harry.
She said nervously.

Y/N looked at Harry.
Y/N: He too... Harry, have you heard that woman screaming too?
He asked.

Harry nodded.
Harry: It was horrible.
He said, shivering at the thought.

The Quartet finally arrived to Hogwarts, and much to Y/N's shock, there were Dementors everywhere.

They all went to the Great Hall, where they started eating, after the Sorting Ceremony was over.

Malfoy: Oi, Y/N, is it true that you fainted on the train?
He asked in a mocking tone.

Y/N looked at him, as he pretended to pass out, making fun of him, as everyone at Slytherin's table laughed.

Y/N clenched his fists, and turned around, doing his best to ignore him, surprising Ron and Hermione.

Y/N: I swear, I'll make you pay for this.
He thought, as he fixed his eyes on the plate in front of him.

When the Banquet was over, Dumbledore got up.

Y/N looked at him.
Once again, he hadn't changed a bit.

Dumbledore: Now, I would like everyone's attention, if you may.
He said, as the entire Hall fell silent immediately.

Dumbledore: As you all know already, Sirius Black has menaged to escape from the Wizarding Prison, Azkaban.
He said, as murmurs spread all over the Hall.

Dumbledore: Now, I'm afraid to tell you that the Ministry has decided to put Dementors all around our school, just to ensure our safety. I suggest you all not to approach them, or do anything that could make them harm you. It isn't in a Dementor's nature, to forgive someone.
He said.

Everyone looked at him.
He smiled at them.

Dumbledore: But, You know, Happiness can be found in the littlest things...
He said, as he extinguished a candle with a movement of his hand.

Y/N looked at him amazed.

Dumbledore: If one remembers to turn in the light, that is.
He said, as he lit the candle again.

Dumbledore: And now go to bed, Hop, Hop!
He said, as they all laughed.

That evening, in the Dorms, the boys were enjoying themselves, playing.

However, Y/N wasn't particularly interested in it. He was laying on his bed, reading the Standard Book of Spells, Grade 3.

However, his mind was still processing Dumbledore's advice.

Y/N: They don't know how to forgive. They can harm us. The Minister has officially gone mad, well, not that he seemed that normal anyway. Ugh, I hate those creatures. They give me the creeps, damnit!
He thought, as Snowball jumped on the bed.

He closed the book, and put it away, as he started to pet her.

She started purring happily, making him chuckle a little.

It was thanks to her and Harry, if he was able to resist in Privet Drive.
He didn't know what he would've done without her.

He closed the curtains, and laid back down again.

Y/N: This is going to be a very long year, Snowball.
He said, as he slowly drifted to sleep.
636 words.

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