•Killing The Boggart•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Lupin: Before we start, I want to let you know that what weakens a Boggart the most, are laughs.
He said.

They all looked at him in confusion.
Lupin: I know this may sound stupid, but it's the truth. Also, there's a spell I want you all to learn today. Now repeat after me: Riddikulus.
He said.

Everyone: Riddikulus.
They all repeated in unison.

Lupin smiled at them.
Lupin: Good job. However, the spell alone won't be enough. You also need a bit of imagination. How about you try, Neville?
He asked.

Neville paled.
Neville: M-Me?
He asked.

Lupin: Yeah, come here. There's nothing to be afraid of.
He said.

Neville nervously took a few steps forward, reaching Lupin.

They stood in front of the wardrobe.
Lupin: I now want you to tell me what frightens you the most.
He said.

Neville muttered something under his breath, but none of them understood what he was saying.

Lupin: Can you repeat, Neville?
He asked.
Neville gulped.

Neville: Professor Snape.
He said, as someone laughed.

Lupin chuckled a little.
Lupin: I see. Well, he can be scary, sometimes. I heard you live with your grandma.
He said.

Neville: Yeah, but I don't want the Boggart to turn into her!
He said, panicking.

Lupin smiled.
Lupin: It won't.
He said.

There was something in the tone of his voice that somehow made Y/N feel warm and calm. It was as if he had known him for his whole life.

Lupin: Can you remember how she's dressed?
He asked.

Neville: I do.
He said.
Lupin: Perfect. Don't tell us. As long as you see it, we'll see it too.
He said.

Neville nodded.
Lupin: Now, I want you to try and imagine Professor Snape wearing your Grandma's clothes. I will then count to three. When the Boggart will see you, it will turn into Snape. That's when you'll cast the spell we've learnt earlier, ok?
He said.

Neville nodded again, a bit nervous.
Lupin: Are you ready?
He asked.

Neville: Yes.
He said.

Lupin nodded.
Lupin: 1...2...3! All yours, Neville!
He said, as he waved his wand, making the wardrobe open.

Snape came out of it, and started heading towards Neville.

Neville pointed his wand at him.
Neville: R-Riddikulus!
He shouted.

There was a faint pop, and suddenly, Snape was dressed like an old lady, making everyone laugh.

Lupin: The next one!
He said. Everyone started fighting the Boggart, which turned into plenty of things, such as a clown, or in Ron's case, a spider.

However, it was now Y/N's turn.
The Boggart slowly fixed its eyes on Y/N.

It then turned into Harry.

Y/N looked at it, a bit confused.
Then, it suddenly fell on the ground, all covered in blood, full of cuts and other wounds.

Y/N just kept staring at it, paralyzed.
He could feel everyone's eyes on him.

He started breathing heavily, unable to look away, as the Boggart slowly started to inflate

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He started breathing heavily, unable to look away, as the Boggart slowly started to inflate.

Lupin looked at Y/N, a bit confused.
Lupin: What's the matter? Why is he reacting like this?
He thought.

And then, there was a huge explosion.

Blue flames spread everywhere, scaring everyone, but thankfully not burning or injuring anyone.

When the flames dissipated, they all looked around, trying to find the Boggart.

However, it was gone.

There were just a few pieces of what looked like burnt flesh on the ground, in front of Y/N.

Everyone slowly looked at him.

He was on the ground, on his knees, still breathing heavily, as he covered his face with his hands.
607 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝘇𝗸𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗻 | Harry Potter x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now