•Peter Pettigrew•

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Were Scabbers tood just a few seconds ago, now stood a short man.

Y/N looked at him.
Y/N: Ugly. That's the only one word I can think of to describe him.
He thought.

The man turned around, and looked at both Lupin and Sirius with pleading eyes.

Pettigrew: Remus... Sirius... My dear friends!
He squeaked, smiling nervously at them.

Lupin: Peter.
He said.

Sirius: Let's kill him already.
He said.

Pettigrew tried to escape, but Harry and Y/N blocked the way.
Y/N: I don't think so.
He said, glaring at him.

He looked at them, trying to get a reaction.

Pettigrew: Harry... You really look like James... And Y/N, you have Lily's eyes... I'm sure they didn't want me dead!
He said.

Y/N gave him a disgusted look.

He roared.

Pettigrew: Sirius, you don't know what the Dark Lord is capable of! He would've killed me!
He cried.

Sirius: Then I would've preferred to die, than to betray my friends.
He said, looking down on him with fury.

Lupin and Sirius got ready to Kill him, but Harry stopped them.

Harry: No, wait! Don't kill him yet.
He said.

Sirius: Harry! Don't you understand this idiot is the reason why you and Y/N are orphans?!
He asked.

Y/N: I know, but we can hand him to the Dementors. He's at fault. And then, you'll be free, Sirius.
He said.

Lupin: Well, they're right.
He said.

Pettigrew: Thank you... Thank you!
He squealed.

Harry: I'm not doing this for you.
He said, giving him a disgusted look, as Lupin conjured some chains, tying Pettigrew up, while Sirius made Snape levitate.

Harry: Oh, I have a question.
He suddenly said.

Everyone looked at him.

Sirius: What is it?
He asked.

Harry: We all know Sirius is my Godfather... But who's Y/N's?
He asked.

Y/N blinked a few times.
Y/N: Why all of a sudden?
He asked, tilting his head to the side.

Harry: Aren't you curious?
He asked.

Y/N: Well, yeah...
He muttered.

Sirius looked Lupin.
Sirius: Remus, you should tell him.
He said.

Remus nodded, and then, approached Y/N.

He put his wand away, now looking at the boy, who looked back at him in confusion.

He patted his head, smiling.

Remus: Sorry for not telling you sooner, but... Y/N, I'm your Godfather.
418 words.

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