•Attacking Snape•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
As Y/N's hand slowly made their way towards Black's neck, Harry grabbed their wands.

Sirius chuckled.
Sirius: Are you going to kill me, Y/N?
He asked.

Y/N: Kill you? No. It's not enough. I want to destroy you. Obliterate your body. I won't stop until I'll have your blood on my hands.
He said, looking as Sirius, smiling madly.

Hermione: That's it. He's gone insane.
She thought.

Harry pointed his wand at Sirius, ready to cast a spell, however, neither him, nor Y/N succeeded in killing Sirius.

The door burst open, and Lupin got in, and after stealing their wands from Harry, he pulled Y/N away from Sirius, whose face had now became almost purple because of the lack of oxygen.

Y/N glared at Lupin, holding his waist in pain.

Y/N: Professor move away.
He said fiercely.

Lupin, however, ignored him, and helped Sirius to get up.

Harry tried to calm Y/N down, as Lupin hugged Sirius, much to their shock.

Y/N had stopped fighting.
His eyes widened upon seeing that.

Y/N: What... What are you doing?
He said.

The words refused to leave his mouth.
He just couldn't believe his eyes.

Hermione: I tried to cover for you! I lied for you, and a this time you were his friend!
She said.

Lupin: Wait, Hermione, I can explain!
He said.

But it was too late.

Hermione: Harry, Y/N, don't get near him! He's a werewolf!
She shouted.

Lupin's face hardened.
The twins looked at him.
Y/N was becoming paler and paler.

Lupin: Since when do you know?
He asked coldly.

Hermione: Since that time when Professor Snape gave us that essay on werewolves.
She said.

Lupin chuckled bitterly.
Lupin: I see... He always tried to persuade Dumbledore, telling him that assuming me wasn't a good idea.
He said.

Y/N got up, looking at him.
Y/N: So... You're a werewolf for real?
He asked.

Lupin nodded.

Y/N: That's soo cool! I always wanted to meet a werewolf!
He said.

Surprise was written on everyone's faces.

His anger was long gone, now, and Lupin smiled thankfully at him.

Ron: Y/N, have you gone insane?!
He asked.

Y/N looked at him.
Y/N: No, Ron, I haven't. Do you know how hard a werewolf's life is? I knew there was something special about you, professor, but I never thought you were so cool.
He said.

Lupin's eyes gleamed upon hearing those words. He looked at him.

Lupin: Why are you holding your waist?
He asked.

Y/N lifted his shirt, showing him his bandaged waist.

Y/N: I just got hit by that damn Whomping Willow.
He said nonchalantly.

Lupin looked at the bandages.
They were completely stained with blood.

Lupin walked towards him.
Lupin: Remove your shirt, Y/N.
He demanded.

Y/N: There's no need to worry, Professor. I'm fine. A bit of blood isn't enough to take me down.
He said.

Lupin, however, shook his head.
Lupin: You're bleeding, Y/N. We've got to treat that wound of yours, or else you might get an infection.
He said sternly.

Snape: How... Lovely.
He said.

Everyone turned around.

Snape was standing there, his wand pointed at Sirius' chest.

Snape: I knew you shouldn't be trusted, Lupin. I told Dumbledore many times, but he jest kept ignoring me.
He said.

There was a flash of light, and Lupin was thrown on the other side of the room.

Snape then looked at Sirius, smirking triumphantly.

Snape: Well well, looks like the Dementors will enjoy themselves, tonight! I always hoped to be the one to catch you, Black. Revenge sure is sweet.
He said in delight.

Y/N: You! How dare you hurt Professor Lupin?!
He shouted.

Snape glared at him.
Snape: Shut that filthy mouth of yours, Potter!
He yelled.

Everyone gasped, as Y/N jumped in front of Snape, catching him off guard.

Y/N: Watch your mouth. Idiot.
He said.

There was an explosion of Blue Flames, and Y/N punched Snape in the face with enough force to send him flying against a wall, knocking him unconscious.

They all looked at him, as he started breathing heavily, clutching his waist, falling on his knees.

Hermione was just too shocked to think straight.

Hermione: Oh my God, You attacked a teacher! You attacked a teacher!
She cried.

Y/N just ignored her.
Lupin got up, and walked towards Y/N.

Lupin: Thanks, Y/N.
He said.

Y/N: You're welcome.
He said.

Lupin ruffled his hair.
Lupin: Now remove your shirt.
He said.

Y/N: Do I really have to?
He asked.

Lupin nodded sternly.
Y/N let out a sigh, and removed his shirt, tossing it away.

Lupin removed the bloody bandages, and examined his wound.

He then began to treat it, and after a few minutes, he was done.

Lupin: There. This will do.
He said.

Y/N: Thank you.
He muttered, looking away.

He put his shirt back, and looked at Lupin.

Lupin: Harry, Y/N, Sirius is innocent. I know it sounds weird, but you have to believe me. It's the truth.
He said.

Harry was astonished.
Y/N, however, was rather calm.

Y/N: I don't know why, but I'm sure this whole situation concerns the fact that Pettigrew might still be alive. That's why I'll restrain myself from killing Black. Just for now, that is. But I want an explanation. No. I want to know the truth. I want to know what really happened that night.
933 words.

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