•The Truth•

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[Thought ]
Lupin looked at Y/N in awe.
Lupin: Y/N, you really are amazing.
He said, smiling.

Lupin: Very well. We'll tell you everything. But first...
He said, moving towards them.

He handed them their wands back.
Lupin: Now that we have settled this, we can move on.
He said.

Sirius: Be quick, Remus. I'm done waiting. I wanna do what I was accused for.
He growled.

Lupin nodded.
Lupin: Yeah. As Y/N correctly guessed, Peter Pettigrew is still alive. He is the real culprit behind the Potters' deaths.
He said.

They all looked at him.
Ron: That's it. He's gone nuts.
He stated.

Y/N facepalmed.
Y/N: No way... How could I not think about this? It was so simple! How could have I been so stupid?
He said.

Lupin smiled at him.
Lupin: You understood, didn't you?
He asked, smiling proudly.

Y/N nodded.
Sirius: Well, that was quick.
He stated, truly impressed.

Y/N looked at Ron.
Y/N: Hey, Ron, do you mind if I take a look at Scabbers?
He asked.

Ron looked at him for a few seconds, before reluctantly passing him the rat.

Y/N grabbed the panicking Scabbets, and held him tightly, as both he and Lupin examined him.

Y/N: I knew it. He's missing a toe.
He said.

Lupin nodded.
They then looked at each other, smirking.

Lupin&Y/N: The biggest piece they could recover from what was left of Pettigrew was just a toe.
They both said.

The others looked at them as if they had just gone mad.

Y/N: He's been an Animagus all this time.
He said.

Lupin: Well, we already knew that. Your Dad and  Sirius were too. They knew I was a werewolf, so they worked really hard. Pettigrew needed some help, but during our fifth year, they were able to turn into animals. You see, werewolves are dangerous only for humans. They don't attack animals. That's why once a month we would sneak in here.
He said.

Y/N nodded.
He then turned around, and looked at Harry.

Y/N: Harry, please, you have to believe me. Sirius is innocent. You yourself saw Pettigrew on the Map.
He said, looking at him with pleading eyes.

Harry sighed.
Harry: I believe you, Y/N. I know you would never lie to me.
He said, smiling.

Y/N gave him a thankful smile.
He then turned to look at Lupin.

Y/N: Oh, and by the way... I kinda figured you were one of those who wrote the map. I assume you're moony, right?
He said.

Lupin and Sirius both looked at him, blinking a few times.

Lupin: How did you...?
He asked.

Y/N: 'Because I knew the ones who drew it', seriously? What a stupid lie.
He said.

Lupin sighed, ruffling his hair.
Lupin: Alright, you got me. Your intelligence really scares me, believe me.
He said, chuckling.

Y/N smirked.
Y/N: I'll take that as a compliment.
He said.

Lupin: That's right, anyway. I'm Moony. Sirius is Padfoot, Pettigrew is Wormtail, and your dad... He used to be Prongs.
He said.

Sirius looked at them impatiently.
Sirius: Are you done, Remus? It really is nostalgic to hear those names, but we have something more important to do.
He said, annoyed.

Y/N gave Scabbers to Lupin, much to Ron's disappointment.

Lupin: Are you ready?
He asked.
Sirius: You know I am.
He said, as they both pointed their wands towards Scabbers.

There was a flash of blinding blue light, and when it dissipated, Scabbers wasn't there anymore.
603 words.

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