•When Happiness Is Broken•

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Y/N looked at Lupin, trying to register what he had just said.

Then, his eyes widened.

Y/N: This isn't funny, Professor.
He said.

Lupin laughed.
Lupin: This isn't a joke, Y/N. I'm not making fun of you either.
He said.

Y/N didn't say a word.
Lupin: Even though he knew I was a werewolf, your dad still chose me. And I gladly accepted, so yes, Y/N. I'm your Godfather.
He said.

Harry looked at Y/N.
He waved a hand in front of his eyes.

Harry: Uh, Y/N? Are you in there?
He asked.

Y/N nodded.
Y/N: Can I hug you?
He asked uncertainly.

Lupin chuckled, opening his arms.

Y/N literally jumped on him, tackling him on the ground, as tears of happiness fell from his eyes.

Y/N: I'm so happy!
He yelled.

Lupin smiled softly at him, hugging him back.
Lupin: I wanted to tell you for this whole year, but then I always thought that maybe it was better for you not to know. Maybe you didn't want me as a Godfather.
He said.

Y/N pouted.
Y/N: How could you even think about something like that? Thank you for telling me, though.
He said, as Lupin ruffled his hair.

He then got up, and looked at Sirius.
Y/N: Sirius... I'm really sorry for trying to kill you.
He muttered, scratching the back of his head nervously.

Sirius smiled at him.
Sirius: You've got Lily's temper, Y/N. Well, not that I mind. It feels as if she's here with us, if you think about it.
He said, smiling, as he patted his shoulder.

They all left the room, heading to the passage.

Harry and Y/N were just too happy to talk.
Y/N was walking alongside Lupin, grinning.

Lupin: What's with that funny face? You sure look happy.
He said.

Y/N looked at him.
Y/N: And how can I not be happy?
He said.

Lupin: Listen, Y/N, I know that living with Muggles isn't easy. And I know how much you want to leave that house. However, I can't bring you with me. I'm a werewolf. I'd just put you in more danger. And for now, even if you're my grandson, it's better for you to live with your Aunt and Uncle.
He said.

Y/N looked at him.
Y/N: It's ok. It's not like I want to force you or something. And there's no way I'm leaving Harry behind. I just want you to promise me one thing...
He said.

Lupin looked at him.
Lupin: What is it?
He asked.

Y/N: Promise me you'll answer to my letters. Promise me you'll write me, sometimes. Can you do this?
He asked.

Lupin gave him a smile.
Lupin: Of course I will. Whenever you feel upset, whenever you feel like everything is falling apart, just write to me, ok?
He said, ruffling his hair once more.

Y/N smiled.

Y/N: Thanks. It means a lot to me.
He said, as they finally reached the end of the tunnel.

However, they weren't prepared for what was about to happen.
533 words.

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